wlam70 發表於 2014-8-11 12:06

notebook 玩 CAS 的最低要求


想問吓,玩CAS 的notebook cpu 最低要求?

1) 普通44.1khz 的 wav/flac, sacd iso, dsd 2.8, dsd5.6.
如果唔玩升頻,是否atom cpu 的舊netbook 都可以? 1.6G 2G Ram.

2) 如要玩升頻, 普通 wav file 升到 dsd 11.2, Celeron cpu (e.g. n2830 + 4G Ram) 可以嗎?


FelixTheCat 發表於 2014-8-11 14:51

I'm using an Atom N450 netbook/w JRiver.CPU utilization is always below 5% and no problem at all.Just need to change to SSD (cost > netbook) {:6_136:} and switch off some services in Win7.

wlam70 發表於 2014-8-11 17:46

Thanks but did you play the DSD signal or even up sample the signal from 44.1kHz wav/flac (CD source) to DSD?

I tried it on a Pentium P6200 notebook (win 7), it work fine if I didn't turn on the up sample function (to DSD). Otherwise, there are some pop noise occurred during the playback.

神風怪盜kid 發表於 2014-8-11 21:30

如果support到就 ok,咁全黃金最平果部都可以,求靚聲d 又唔想煩,macbook pro 啦
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

FelixTheCat 發表於 2014-8-11 22:17

My DAC only supports up to 24/96 and just enable down-sample 96+ to 44.1.Had tried upsampling to 192 by connecting to Asus Essence One, no problem so far but for a while only.

Worthy mentioning I have disabled most of the components from BIOS as well, e.g. LAN, wireless, Bluetooth and disabled lots of services, e.g. Updates, Display Enhancement etc. etc. and it only has JRiver, Foobar and FreeFilesync installed.I also had problems (pop sound) for 44.1 if the configuration is not that slim.And troubling me for a while that not until I disabled a Win7 service (can't recall which one, however), there's a pop sound every 1.5/2 hr.Yes, it is a Win7 netbook but its interface is uglier than Win3.1.

Why this netbook...because the fan-speed can be set via BIOS and it's FOC (someone else's rubbish) {:6_134:}

hksarac 發表於 2014-8-11 22:48

i3 $4000有找

FelixTheCat 發表於 2014-8-11 23:28

Check if Acer Aspire V11 is available in HK now...quad-core, fanless, touch-screen and is only US$370 {:6_237:}

PhantomGTR 發表於 2014-8-11 23:39

check here
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

wlam70 發表於 2014-8-12 00:00

I have tested on my desktop (i5), work fine even with all kind of 升頻. But not sure, would there be any problem I go for a notebook with only n2830 cpu?

wlam70 發表於 2014-8-12 01:14

I have tested on my desktop (i5), work fine even with all kind of 升頻. But not sure, would there be any problem I go for a notebook with only n2830 cpu?
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