Raspberry pi b+ & picoreplayer 問題
本帖最後由 howardyiu 於 2014-8-9 17:37 編輯之前跟patkwok Hing個post 做setup, 但唔知係咪唔同version. 宜家有以下問題:
P.S**我個部係B+ VERSION, Patkwok Hing部係B
1)SD CARD WRITE左個IMAGE 之後, 容量自己減到得20MB, 本身2GB, 都算.叫做WRITE左
2)插好LAN, CARD, 駁電, 佢POWER著, ACTIVITY 閃幾下就冇了, LAN都係, 所以CHECK 唔倒IP, 更PUTTY唔倒
3) NAS 我都係用S記, 係NAS個套件裝左SB 個APPS, 開唔倒, ADDRESS係個NAS個IP+D 數係尾黎
懷疑個picoreplayer boot唔起,但已download 最新v1.16
睇下ching 們有無遇過,又或者識搞。感激!
裝倒了,宜家係個squeezebox software話player not found, 咩事呢? 師兄,不如改用Raspyfi.好易setup{:6_210:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 我之前試過用 picoreplayer,個介面好慢.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) As far as I understand, the new B+ model is not comparable to existing software....
So far only volumio receive a updated version comparable to B+, you can try... steve_salsa 發表於 2014-8-10 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
As far as I understand, the new B+ model is not comparable to existing software....
So far only vol ...
Ching, which version ? I downloaded the IMg from official web which is 1.4 and not work steve_salsa 發表於 2014-8-10 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
As far as I understand, the new B+ model is not comparable to existing software....
So far only vol ...
THANKS CHING, FOUND V1.41 and problem solved