nihilist 發表於 2014-7-30 17:20

日本實驗組合 ~ GRIM (實物圖)

Once "WHITE HOSPITAL" disintegrated, the unit split up into "VASILISK" being Tomosada Kawahara and "GRIM" being Jun Konagaya.
This first official reissue of the complete Grim catalogue presents a sick slice of industrial noise fumes.
Treated percussive rattles, drum pounding, throbbing bass lines, pulses, detuned organ slashes and voices from beyond the grave make up the sonic palette of this aural assault. In way the sounds resembles to the first SPK releases but be it even more detuned and obsessed with a sick morbidity drifting towards the bowels of human suffering and things best left untouched.
In short the perfect soundtrack to play at your personal little holocaust.
Disturbing industrial sound files that make up one of the best-kept secrets to seep out the early 1980’s Japanese sewer infested with all that the bubble economy casted away. So sick it is bordering on the brilliant.
Comes with detailed fully illustrated booklet, mini-LP styled gatefold jacket and obi.
A Cult / Must-Have release!

粗人敵卡 發表於 2014-7-30 20:49


喺youtube search過


alibabar 發表於 2014-7-31 00:50

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