HenryYuan 發表於 2014-7-16 13:36

Surround Sound Processing

BD 機巳有 Dolby / DTS 處理, AV Amp 又有 Dolby / DTS 處理, 咁 BD 解完碼再去 AV amp 解多次?

samuel8892000 發表於 2014-7-16 13:47

BDP經由HDMI入Amp 係用AV amp 入面解碼.
BDP經由5條或7絛rca入 Muti-ch amp係用BDP入面解碼.

HenryYuan 發表於 2014-7-16 14:13

本帖最後由 HenryYuan 於 2014-7-16 14:49 編輯

samuel8892000 發表於 2014-7-16 13:47 static/image/common/back.gif
BDP經由HDMI入Amp 係用AV amp 入面解碼.
BDP經由5條或7絛rca入 Muti-ch amp係用BDP入面解碼.
所以點會解兩 ...

BDP HDMI 聲音輸出 set去 Bitstream, 咁就肯定係用梗 AV amp 解碼

if your AV receiver can decode DTS-HD Master Audio, then you can choose to bitstream the audio over HDMI from the Blu-ray player. This means the Blu-ray player sends the digital information directly to the AV receiver without decoding it. The AV receiver then decodes the data and you hear DTS-HD Master Audio over your speakers.

如果 BDP HDMI 聲音輸出 set去 LPCM, 咁就係 BDP 解碼, 係比d舊款AV amp用

However if your AV receiver is not able to decode DTS-HD Master Audio, but your Blu-ray player does, then the Blu-ray player can decode the audio first and then send it as an LPCM signal over HDMI or multichannel analog outputs. Therefore, you can still hear DTS-HD Master Audio on your sound system even though your AV receiver cannot decode it.

所以,我好吾鍾意 setting 係 Auto, 都吾知用梗邊度解碼

wadee 發表於 2014-7-16 22:36

師兄,在bd player裡有得設定的,使用hdmi時,好似上面位師兄講,選Bitstream源碼,就會交收av amp做解碼工作,因一般av amp個解碼會好過bd player!!
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