FW: NEW ! Amber Lampi DAC
http://www.lampizator.eu/NEWDAC/Lampizator/Amber_Lampi_DAC.htmlDSD with tube PSU and tube output
Well, after building 600 DACs by hand in a point to point manner, time has come to make life easier and create an all new Amber Lampi DAC that everybody can afford.
It is NOT an entry level DAC. It is not a cheap DAC. It is simply manufactured in such way that we can use economies of scale and bring the price almost to a half of what it used to be. You can enjoy the sound of Lampizator DAC starting from 1200 Euro !
When designing the AMBERLAMPI DAC I resisted the pressure from the accountants and stakeholders to build a cheap compromised “Level 3”. I gave the best knowledge available to our company to bring the sound quality as high as possible.It is DAMN GOOD.
Here it is: Amber Lampi DAC that is based on a PCB, it has high end tube power supply, high end tube output stage, very good schematics and awesome sound to match.
What it does not have is volume control as an option. Otherwise you get everything that audiophiles want - super natural and clean timbre, colors, space, soundstage, deep bass, pure trebles, goose-bumps inducing mids, fast attack, no fatigue sound etc.
You also can not get exotic tubes here. No octals, no metalbase, no VT99, no ecc40, no 182 either. You will get very good Soviet tubes like 6N1P or Czech Tesla ecc88 or Russian 12AT7 EHG.
You get also modern day specs like reading all types of files from MP3 to 192/24. Our superb DSD engine as an option. 32 bit asynchronous USB input and 2Hz to 200 KHz frequency response of the analog tube stage.
We deliberately avoid calling it a “level” because we created an entirely new DAC breed.
The only thing it has in common with our Level 3 DAC is the chassis (43 cm by 13 cm by 33 cm deep) and the same elegant face plate from airspace industrial aluminum.
The same DAC is also available as a kit in our shop.
There are Four main configuration options:
As DSD only DAC where you can upsample in the playback software even PCM files to DSD 128x
As DSD plus PCM mixed technology DAC
As PCM dac with USB module built in.
Then there are three basic quality levels you can configure yourself when ordering:
-better (with Jensen Copper caps)
-best (as above but with two chokes in PSU and Duelund caps, directly heated rectifier, bigger transformer)
你買左? chuwing 發表於 2014-7-13 22:54 static/image/common/back.gif
好似有啲人用緊呢隻牌子,又好似話啲聲唔錯,想引佢地講些少嘢啫。。。{:6_128:} jackt 發表於 2014-7-14 15:47 static/image/common/back.gif
好似有啲人用緊呢隻牌子,又好似話啲聲唔錯,想 ...
你會不會DIY? 如果會, 買佢個KIT, 我覺得會比買DAC平好多.
佢個KIT只有 analog output stage, 你仲要有 DAC chip, 如果你要有 digital input, 仲要加 digital receiver, 或者MCU 做 input selector. jackt 發表於 2014-7-14 15:47 static/image/common/back.gif
好似有啲人用緊呢隻牌子,又好似話啲聲唔錯,想 ...
我最後都係要左……………….. kenneth_obee 發表於 2014-7-14 17:04 static/image/common/back.gif
你會不會DIY? 如果會, 買佢個KIT, 我覺得會比買DAC平好多.
佢個KIT只有 analog output stage, 你仲要有 D ...
DIY?唔會囉!要買當然要完整DAC啦,雖然話明唔平,但都不算太貴,如果二萬多,呢個可能都算唔錯,當然比起 kenneth_obee 兄的,這個不算是高檔,它算是 Level 3 左右,但係呢個太新,唔知掂唔掂?不過,估計應該唔差。{:6_134:}
kenneth_obee 兄,比多啲 comment 啦!{:6_136:} 本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2014-7-15 00:55 編輯
jackt 發表於 2014-7-14 23:10 static/image/common/back.gif
DIY?唔會囉!要買當然要完整DAC啦,雖然話明唔平,但都不算太貴,如果二萬多,呢個可能都算唔錯,當然比 ...
DAC都係digital input (SPDIF/USB)-> 轉 I2S -> DAC chip -> Analog output stage
如果當佢係用呢個kit 做 Analog output stage:
咁佢一支整流, 出四份三極管, 做到每 channel 行經 anode follower 同 cathode follower, 再出duelund cap. 如果單單這個 analog output stage 其實供電係比較簡單.
但佢有個大賣點. 係DSD, 不過就無 kit 賣, 否則無人買佢成品了. {:9_407:}
如果你想聽DSD, 呢個價錢有呢個聲應該唔會貴, 至於抵唔抵, 就好難講, 但我會話唔懂/唔想摩都可以換膽去升級個音色. 呢個我可以肯定係可以同好應嘅. 以我的DAC為例, 換膽整流定換果支放大膽都明顯聽到唔同. 好好玩的. 這個都係佢嘅DAC比其他的大多數DAC較好玩的地方. 睇番佢網頁, 佢話:
Then there are three basic quality levels you can configure yourself when ordering:
-better (with Jensen Copper caps)
-best (as above but with two chokes in PSU and Duelund caps, directly heated rectifier, bigger transformer)
相中的只係 "standard", 不是我上面的KIT, 我上面的KIT係似佢講的 "best". 因為用直熱整流膽同duelund caps. 要注意係, 直熱(best)同 standard/better 的牛係唔同的. 我建議如果買就買"best", 因為這個用好同一般係好影響. kenneth_obee 發表於 2014-7-15 00:53 static/image/common/back.gif
DAC都係digital input (SPDIF/USB)-> 轉 I2S -> DAC chip -> Analog output stage
謝謝 kenneth_obee兄回覆,呢樣嘢 (DIY Analog output stage) 對於小弟呢啲唔想煩嘅人嚟講,真係有啲不是味兒,而佢最殺食嘅係DSD,所以只會考慮成品。{:6_131:}
有時都會諗,究竟DAC要用上高級數碼技術,定係用返最直接方式聽聲收貨呢?有如理智與感情的問題一樣!呢個問題令人難以取捨???{:6_126:} chuwing 發表於 2014-7-14 17:13 static/image/common/back.gif
技安兄,會唔會有開雙 (箱) 文呀?{:6_138:}