張惠妹 偏執面
https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/t1.0-9/10444787_737058866356447_8025643251892804820_n.jpg 本帖最後由 psb 於 2014-7-2 20:15 編輯有興趣, 但不知道她這次會走什麼音樂風格? 她的上張大碟"你在看我嗎(你和我的慶功2CD珍藏版)"非常高質素創作, 音樂聽出耳油, 好正好正, 香港D翻唱口水女歌手無得比{:6_171:}
講當今流行天后級數, 張惠妹=鄭秀文=麥當娜 {:6_172:}
CD 1
01. 都什麼時候了
02. 一個人對話
03. 還有眼淚就好
04. 他們
05. 我最親愛的
06. 你在看我嗎?
07. 潛規則
08. 來鬧的
09. 渴了
10. High咖
CD 2
01. 你和我的時光
02. 渴了 Electro Remix
03. 快樂暢開 (2011 Remix 版) Hmm.. strange.. I thought they will release this under the EMI brand name?
She, show luo and rainie have joined EMI (which is bought over by UMG) right?
I really look forward to EMI old releases being re-issued.
OK back to this album- I have heard some songs... Really good! 本帖最後由 psb 於 2014-7-2 21:25 編輯
benlau 發表於 2014-7-2 20:42 static/image/common/back.gif
Hmm.. strange.. I thought they will release this under the EMI brand name?
She, show luo and rainie ...
Benlau 師兄,
什麼風格的音樂?電子+Pop 流行 (like 你在看我嗎?{:1_351:} ) or 重搖滾 ROCK(like 阿米特{:1_255:} )?
如果重搖滾就不是我杯茶魯 psb 發表於 2014-7-2 21:19 static/image/common/back.gif
Benlau 師兄,
什麼風格的音樂?電子+Pop 流行 (like 你在看我嗎? ) or 重搖滾 ROCK(like 阿米 ...
Hey there..
You will be glad... Because the style is really 電子+Pop 流行 (like 你在看我嗎? ).
I find it really similiar but a bit more "radio friendly" compared to 你在看我嗎?
benlau 發表於 2014-7-2 22:32 static/image/common/back.gif
Hey there..
You will be glad... Because the style is really 電子+Pop 流行 (like 你在看我嗎? ).
Ooooh...thanks for the info {:1_338:}
就致清晨在線聽左整張大碟, Very "你在看我嗎"大碟影子, 首首都好聽好時尚好正... 買硬! 但看定D先, 也許遲D會出2CD加強或珍藏版,
補翻個CD封底.. 本帖最後由 psb 於 2014-7-5 13:08 編輯
更仔細地傾聽, 妮張新大碟D歌好有 hype, 嘈雜, 時尚和好 contemporary pop, 好 yeah+型{:1_263:} psb 發表於 2014-7-5 13:02 static/image/common/back.gif
更仔細地傾聽, 妮張新大碟D歌好有 hype, 嘈雜, 時尚和好 contemporary pop, 好 yeah+型...
Haha..I ordered the CD from Taiwan and is still not yet shipped out.
Still have to wait a while......
You bought the CD already? Did Universal HK pressed their own CD in HK or is HK selling the TW version as well? benlau 發表於 2014-7-5 13:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Haha..I ordered the CD from Taiwan and is still not yet shipped out.
Still have to wait a while ...
Benlau 兄, {:1_351:} 您一定是 A-mei's die hard fan, 這麼早ONLINE 訂購!
這張CD是一個 "must-buy",好正. 我忍住先, 可能會出珍藏版/增強版/2CD etc.{:6_172:}
本帖最後由 psb 於 2014-7-5 13:47 編輯
benlau 發表於 2014-7-5 13:28 static/image/common/back.gif
Haha..I ordered the CD from Taiwan and is still not yet shipped out.
Still have to wait a while ...
On another note, since you like Taiwanese artists so much, let me introduce you one Taiwanese online store which I discovered recently below. I managed to buy two classic CDs of Sarah Chen (not available anywhere or at sky high price if they are) from them at low prices last week as they still have the stocks (photos below) :