NAS > DAC 有 "DeeDee" 聲
想請教!我用 USB cable(GT2) 由 NAS(S 212J) -> DAC (PS Audio Digital link),
發覺有 "DeeDee" 聲, 如果用 Lan cable 由 NAS(S 212J) ->其它 media player
就無 "DeeDee" 聲, 請間有甚麼方法處理??
{:1_249:} Could be ground loop.Need to test it to be sure.
Find a USB DAC with ground isolation to test whether it is a ground loop problem.Or add USB-opto-USB converter to isolate ground.
odysseyhk 發表於 2014-6-29 11:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Could be ground loop.Need to test it to be sure.
Find a USB DAC with ground isolation to test whe ...
是否用 ifi iusb power 這類 可處理 ground loop problem ??
Thanks!! {:1_249:} {:1_249:} henry2000 發表於 2014-6-29 13:26 static/image/common/back.gif
是否用 ifi iusb power 這類 可處理 ground loop problem ??
May be, need to ask them if their product is designed to be electrically isolated.