MDLP 發表於 2014-6-24 02:16

Onkyo 有 Dolby Atmos

Groebenzell, Germany. Onkyo has announced that its upcoming TX-NR1030 and TX-NR3030 network A/V receivers, flagship PR-SC5530 Network A/V Controller, HT-S7705 and HT-S9705THX HTiB systems, and SKS-HT678 and SKH-410 speaker packages will launch with Dolby Atmos , a next-generation audio format that delivers captivating multidimensional sound in home theater environments.

The company will also release a firmware update, targeted in September, enabling Dolby Atmos® on its mid-range TX-NR636, TX-NR737, and TX-NR838 network A/V receivers now available worldwide.

With Dolby Atmos sound comes alive from all directions, including overhead, to fill the home theater with astonishing clarity, power, depth, and detail.

“Some of the world’s leading filmmakers are using Dolby Atmos to transport audiences to the center of the action,” said Onkyo Corporation General Manager, Kevin Miyagi. “Dolby Atmos delivers a multidimensional sound experience with breathtaking detail and clarity. We are excited to be among the first brands to offer this technology to our customers.”

Onkyo's 2014 models supporting Dolby Atmos feature Dual 32-bit DSP Engines to decode, scale, and calibrate Dolby Atmos to suit individual home theater configurations. Owners of compatible Onkyo components have the flexibility to choose their preferred theater layout, unleashing the format’s effect with the addition of a pair or more of in-ceiling height speakers, complementing traditional 5.1, 7.1, or 9.1 configurations. Alternatively, users can augment an existing speaker setup with Dolby Atmos-enabled loudspeakers.

About Dolby Atmos
Dolby Atmos delivers captivating, multidimensional sound that places and moves specific sounds anywhere in the room, including overhead, to bring entertainment alive all around the audience.

Since its introduction in the cinema in 2012, Dolby Atmos has been embraced by all the major Hollywood studios, seven Academy Award®-winning directors, and 16 Academy Award-winning sound mixers, among others. Later this year, entertainment enthusiasts will be able to enjoy Dolby Atmos in their home theaters.

gikifk 發表於 2014-6-24 07:14


wadee 發表於 2014-6-24 07:18


gikifk 發表於 2014-6-24 07:24


bigair 發表於 2014-6-24 13:51


louis001 發表於 2014-6-24 15:05

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