ibasso dx90 64bit driver
the driver for 64bit is available now. you can try but need to enable unsigned driver modehttp://www.ibasso.com/download/DX50&DX90_WindowsOS_USB-DAC_Driver_Beta2.zip
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 多謝 Ching {:1_326:} you welcome. although this is a beta version, and need to be run conditionally to accept unsigned driver, this is a good one to try. hope ibasso team will have further release and improvement on driver and firmware later on.
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 有冇人用左?? 我都無留意了 請問有冇師兄成功裝到個DRIVER去WIN7 64BIT? guppyguppyguppy 發表於 2014-6-30 09:57 static/image/common/back.gif
請問有冇師兄成功裝到個DRIVER去WIN7 64BIT?
yes, i did. what is ur problem?
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 認唔到囉