MK MP-150
我有興趣想買MK MP-150 有無C-HING用過可给我一些寶貴意見. 如果預算 30K-40K買AMP (AV amp 或 前後級) 有無好介紹. 謝謝!!沒人回復是否無人用過MP150!! 用過MK 150 SERIES 的 C-hing, 可否給點意見用什麼amp? 感謝!! 本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2014-6-17 09:55 編輯
Procella啦,MK overprice,雖然Procella都係貴咗啲架喇,
揾到二手嘅M&K MP150如果$13000三隻可以諗下。 另外30-40K加多少少買Cary Cinema 12 + Model 7.125,代理好似做緊promote。 本帖最後由 wbut 於 2014-6-17 20:06 編輯
chhanthony 發表於 2014-6-17 09:56 static/image/common/back.gif
另外30-40K加多少少買Cary Cinema 12 + Model 7.125,代理好似做緊promote。
will take a look of Cary Cinema 12 + Model 7.125!! Appreciated!!
Total almost 65,000, a bid over budget!!
wbut 發表於 2014-6-17 13:05 static/image/common/back.gif
will take a look of Cary Cinema 12 + Model 7.125!! Appreciated!!
Total almost 65,000, a bid over ...
唔怕Demo機7.125大約$21,XXX,Cary 12 $23,000{:1_345:} chhanthony 發表於 2014-6-17 22:22 static/image/common/back.gif
唔怕Demo機7.125大約$21,XXX,Cary 12 $23,000
Can you tell or pm me , where is theCary agent? I want to listen and try!! Thanks a lot c-hing!!