micma 發表於 2009-9-1 12:11

仍然係入門組合 updated on 26 Feb 2010

本帖最後由 micma 於 2010-3-6 00:04 編輯



Display: Panasonic P42G10H - Belden 15A + Wattgate 5266i + p597 iec
New Front and Center Speakers:CM1 + CMC- Western Electric

New AV amp: Pioneer LX81 + DIY Power Cable AC

Surround Speakers: JBL SVA 1500 + cheap cables

Subwoofer: M & K KX12 - DIY Northwire 18A double run 1.8m + WATTGATE WG-5266i + 瑞士尾頭Schurter 4781 IEC Plug + QED Reference Sub Cable

Bluray Disc Player: PS3 Slim- DIY Power Cable 6 feet ST + QED Reference hdmi

CD Player: Marantz 6000OSE - DIY Northwire 20A 6 feet + MK 頭

TV Recorder: Eight HD838 with Maxtor 750GB ext 3.5" hd
Power Bar: 清華 05 - DIY Northwire 18A double run 1.8m + cheap 美頭 及iec 尾
Game Consoles: PS3 Slim, Wii, XBox, PS2, Dreamcast, PS, Saturn



AV amp: Onkyo SR787, Denon 3802, Onkyo SR703, Onkyo SR705, Marantz SR6003
Center Speaker: JBL S Center, Energy Take 1
Surround Speaker: JBL NJ REAR, Roger db101
Subwoofer: Veloydne Ch-8R, Heco 10"
Blueray Disc Player: PS3

DIY Belden 15A silver plated power cord +WATTGATE WG-5266i + 8字尾
團購 Ortofon 3900 Silver + 紅色MK Hospital Grade 英式插頭 + 英國製P597 IEC頭

my 6003 terrible experience shared as below:

i have bot a 2 weeks old 2ndhand 6003, the amp's protection lock was activiated after few days normal usage.I took the amp to the agent for repairing.I took it back after 1.5 week.The amp's protection lock was activiated again after 3 days usage.I have checked the speakers cable which have been correctly connected.I called the agent to complain and asked for a replacement of it because the amp was just used one month only.I am very angry and insist to have a replacement.The agent has asked their technician going to my home to check my equipments to confirm that the protection lock was not caused by my equipments or wrong connection.After almost 2-3 weeks, they agreed to replace a new one to me finally.

I have used the replaced new amp for 3 months.I always thought why human voice was cloudy and no high frequency.Thereafter, i asked my friend coming to my home to test my av equipment.We found that the surround effect and human voice which were bad when using DTS HD or Dolby True HD.   Therefore, we believed that the surround chipsets which should have some problem.I gave up and sold it finally.

chhanthony 發表於 2009-9-1 12:20


kingyan 發表於 2009-9-1 12:44


domstudio 發表於 2009-9-1 12:51

歡迎 "Pan"記 Plasma member

chrisfd7695 發表於 2009-9-1 13:04

歡迎加入 76 大家庭{:6_195:}

kwchow08 發表於 2009-9-1 13:07


kingleecm 發表於 2009-9-1 13:10

very nice


lskthomas 發表於 2009-9-1 13:12

好唔錯啦, ching!

chingki123 發表於 2009-9-1 13:13

一d都唔cheap,welcome you ching

bbb 發表於 2009-9-1 13:15

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查看完整版本: 仍然係入門組合 updated on 26 Feb 2010

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