cable 方向
Hello,如 RCA cable 有 "--->----> ----> " 方向,
請問, 是
CDP ---> ---> ----> AMP ,這駁法對嗎?
CD<--- <--- <--- AMP ?
另外, speaker cable 又有"---> ---> --->" 方向,
請問, 是
Speaker ---> ---> ----> AMP ,這駁法對嗎?
Speaker<--- <--- <--- AMP ?{:1_332:} sourse ---》 others cdp→→amp
{:1_352:} ----> = the signal flow{:6_238:} speaker cable 有冇方向架??{:1_352:} howardyiu 發表於 2014-5-29 18:17 static/image/common/back.gif
speaker cable 有冇方向架??
梗有啦 我DIY BALDEN 8741 有冇架?...我插個時冇睇......
插錯會點架? sunboy 發表於 2014-5-29 14:53 static/image/common/back.gif
----> = the signal flow
多谢c兄加分{:6_162:} 本帖最後由 sunboy 於 2014-5-30 11:27 編輯
howardyiu 發表於 2014-5-29 18:40 static/image/common/back.gif
我DIY BALDEN 8741 有冇架?...我插個時冇睇......
If no arrow is printed on the cable for reference, you ought to check it out by audition and then make a mark the cable by yourself after confirmation.{:6_190:}
Normally I will follow the wording printed on the cable as direction as reference first..............
eg. Belden cable 8741 OFC XXXX ---------> 本帖最後由 howardyiu 於 2014-5-30 11:46 編輯
要點CHECK @@@@@@{:1_331:} 真係唔知wo