nEMbjm24DDk 有D咁嘅事{:6_121:} 點都好,我都照買來自已玩過才知道如何,如果玩上手就咁差,未即爆機即放囉,但如果畫面靚,故事精彩的話,就唔會放了…{:8_390:} 本帖最後由 lawzelda 於 2014-9-21 18:54 編輯
DVD迷 發表於 2014-9-21 10:50 static/image/common/back.gif
點都好,我都照買來自已玩過才知道如何,如果玩上手就咁差,未即爆機即放囉,但如果畫面靚,故事精彩的話, ...
呢隻都入-有中文版,話晒sony,應該合格水準之上 好正!!!!!!!!!!!{:6_127:} lawzelda 發表於 2014-9-21 18:53 static/image/common/back.gif
冇錯,點到要支持下先,好似太空戰士咁,ps3三集都有中字,畫面又靚,但我三集都係玩左少少,因為有啲悶,不過我冇放,因為值得我收藏,龍如維新就慘了,冇中字,畫面和人物設計幾正都冇用,最後…放走左了{:8_381:} 呢隻都會玩! IGN的原文,其實都講出咗我上次試玩的心聲。Ready at Dawn之前果兩款戰神係唔錯的,特別係第二部直頭比正傳GOW3正唔少。但哩隻1886玩落除咗畫面,你唔會有"WOW"的反應,佢創意用哂喺背景及美術上,但玩落係咪真係feel到果種獨特呢?暫時冇。當然一隻game好唔好玩,關卡設計佔7成,今次佢地有齋做單機的覺悟係好事,起碼故事應該唔會差。
"But sadly, as much as I really admired these aspects of The Order, the actual act of playing the game resonated far less with me. This certainly isn't the first time we've had reservations about The Order's gameplay. Once I did actually realize that I was in control of my character, I was thrust into a cover-based gunfight against a mob of enemies scattered across the levels of a nearby building. The sticky-cover system definitely feels like Gears of War, which is not a knock in my book. Epic really nailed that aspect, so there’s no reason to fix what isn’t broke. But while Gears had a great suite of weapons with some fantastic visual feedback when you made contact with an enemy, The Order’s arsenal felt like some really gorgeous prop guns."
兩分鐘實機演示,與Uncharted 4, Infamous Second Son一樣,particle效果最為搶眼。