103D 版本 67-1204 想用 MEDIA CONTROL
請問有沒有舊的 Iphone / Ipad apps 可以提供?到 itunes store download 的都是最新版本要求 75 以上的 firmware...
請幫忙!! 師兄,你好。最新的MediaControl APP對應需要升級至最新韌體才能使用,請師兄把韌體升級至BDP10X-75-0515。
BDP10X- 67-1204無法使用此APP。希望可以幫到你,多謝! leqee 發表於 2014-5-28 09:35 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄,你好。最新的MediaControl APP對應需要升級至最新韌體才能使用,請師兄把韌體升級至BDP10X-75-0515。 ...
我不想更新 oppo 的韌體,所以請問能否將早前的 media control (能用在 67-1204)版本的 apps 給我下載後自行安裝到 iPad? patrick12345 發表於 2014-5-30 02:25 static/image/common/back.gif
我不想更新 oppo 的韌體,所以請問能否將早前的 media control (能用在 67-1204)版本的 apps 給我下載後 ...
師兄,請給我們一個email,我們協助電郵給你發出。多謝! leqee 發表於 2014-5-28 09:35 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄,你好。最新的MediaControl APP對應需要升級至最新韌體才能使用,請師兄把韌體升級至BDP10X-75-0515。 ...
I tried Media control app on my 103D (firmware and App all latest version) on my iPad Air with latest OS.
The response time when trying to listen to browse/change mp3 songs etc from my NAS were very very slow (hang), and I gave up!
Using the player remote to control over the TV screen shown no problem at all for retrieving video/audio media files from NAS. ocicattt 發表於 2014-6-17 14:00 static/image/common/back.gif
I tried Media control app on my 103D (firmware and App all latest version) on my iPad Air with lat ...
多謝! leqee 發表於 2014-6-17 14:43 static/image/common/back.gif
如NAS是使用NFS協議共享檔案,那麼在移動設備上的操控ap ...
No problem finding the files, just the response time is veryyyyyyyyyy slow
Buffalo LinkStation Pro
ocicattt 發表於 2014-6-18 10:29 static/image/common/back.gif
No problem finding the files, just the response time is veryyyyyyyyyy slow
Buffalo LinkStation Pr ...