ming6068 發表於 2014-5-20 09:02

Audiolab 配乜喇叭好

本帖最後由 ming6068 於 2014-5-20 09:03 編輯

Hi to everyone here!

Just dig out my Audiolab 8000P from my old collection and want to find a pair of matching bookshelf.

What should be a good match with the 8000P? Can't find the old days Celestion anymore...

sunny711 發表於 2014-5-20 11:15

Dali la, it's a good choice.

ming6068 發表於 2014-5-20 11:50

What about Focal, will Focal be a good choice?

FelixTheCat 發表於 2014-5-20 13:38

I was using 8000C+P with Celestion 6si and the combo sound great.When I changed Celestion to Proac D18, at a more-or-less volume, 8000C+P can't drive the D18 "離箱" but no problem with Celestion.When I changed the 8000C+P to an Audiospace 3.8i, both Celestion & D18 are easily "離箱".So I'm thinking 8000C+P is better matched with lower efficiency speakers.

Hope this helps.

ming6068 發表於 2014-5-20 15:40

sunny711 發表於 2014-5-20 11:15 static/image/common/back.gif
Dali la, it's a good choice.

Will the Mentor Menuet overkill?

KWOK18 發表於 2014-5-22 19:58

audiolab 聲底較清爽.通透.且配較厚聲底既喇叭. 試過 charioDelphinus及quad 12l2. 好夾.
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