林憶蓮 - 都市心 (新加坡復刻版)
千呼萬喚林憶蓮都市女人心 終於復刻!!“都市心” 是林憶蓮第二張國語專輯, 繼第一張 “愛上一個不回家的人” 風靡全亞洲後, 這張國語專輯讓林憶蓮的演唱功力更上一塵樓. 內裡的大部份歌曲都是從林憶蓮的City Rhythm三部曲,重新譜上華語歌詞, 重新演繹.
這張專輯在90年代堪稱是一張不可多得的演唱專輯, 這次我們特的把林憶蓮的 “都市心”復刻當成我們的第100張復刻.希望我們對音樂的堅持也能像她對音樂的熱衷.
林憶蓮的復刻, 限量發行! 每張都附流水編號!
Anyone interested in this? 呢隻係唔係正版黎架? 都唔係華納出既? 之前華星被呢間野出梅艷芳都無行動, 唔通華納都無問題?
今日見Yesasia都有得賣, 其實佢地有無監證過係唔係正版? {:1_336:}
已經對尼間嘢出品無曬信心,而加見到新加坡版就好似見到國內版一樣,怕怕了。{:6_200:} Haha.. seems like most people have lost confidence in this Company's product.. Hmm..
From what I know - the boss negotiated for the copyright from Warner Music Singapore - which is why the logo printed on the CDs is Warner Music Singapore.
BTW - has anyone have the Japan pressed version of this album? I am aware that there is a small qty of Japan pressed (I think is Denon) released by Warner Music Taiwan (UFO then?).
Is the recording of the Japan pressed version very superior? 但係呢間公司連香港文志D野都傾到?我真係好懷疑.
benlau 發表於 2014-5-21 16:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Haha.. seems like most people have lost confidence in this Company's product.. Hmm..
From what I kno ...
日制的好似系TO 1A1版{:6_183:}
35ti 發表於 2014-5-21 17:49 static/image/common/back.gif
日制的好似系TO 1A1版
How much did you pay for this?
I really want this version!
Is the sound very good?!