師兄們請推介一部 Media Player
本帖最後由 hades78 於 2014-5-6 23:49 編輯有 BD / DVD Full Menu,
有 Gigalan, 會由 NAS 經過 router 上 Media Player.
开博尓 A7 or K750Li?
香港邊到有得賣? m55 呢期最低玩
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) roadx 發表於 2014-5-9 22:22 static/image/common/back.gif
m55 呢期最低玩
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
抵到爛{:1_245:} 強烈推介M55 push m55 Which Brand? hades78 發表於 2014-7-6 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
m55 Which Brand?
不過無giga lan hades78 發表於 2014-7-6 10:22 static/image/common/back.gif
m55 Which Brand?
E680ihkg 發表於 2014-7-6 13:54 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching, Can you tell me where can I test it out and buy it?
hades78 發表於 2014-7-6 22:15 static/image/common/back.gif
Ching, Can you tell me where can I test it out and buy it?