chunkit 發表於 2014-5-3 20:40

Lexus II to ISIS RCA or two Lexus II speaker cable biwire

I am using Audiolab 8200 combo with Audio Note Lexus II RCA and Lexus II speaker cable with SPXIII to drive ProAC 1SC. I am quite satisfied with Audiolab and Audio Note sound characteristic. If I want vocal becoming thicker and add more dynamic, which option should I take, replacing Lexus II by ISIS RCA, or adding one more Lexus II speaker cable for bi wire.

chunkit 發表於 2014-5-5 18:54

Any c hing can help

digiman 發表於 2014-5-5 19:08

bi-wire not recommended.

Change amplifier is more down-to- the- earth and u need to experience yourself

chunkit 發表於 2014-5-5 19:34

Digiman hing
Thanks for your reply.
I used tube amp and naim before, but they were very relaxing and lack of analytical power. Audiolab seems to be my cup of tea, so I don't want to change my combo.Roksan is thick, but slow and less analytical than Audiolab. I also tried different cables, Audioquest CV8+CV4+Columbia, Inakustik 1002+502, Madison E3 Speaker cable+RCA. Audio note fits my taste, so I consider to upgrade Audio note cables for further improvements.
Happy Listening

ANWKLO 發表於 2014-5-5 20:12

Add a pair of 8200M if you don't want to change your combo.
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