AK120+Vorzuge Pure2+SE846
剛在下午收到Pure2,初試非常滿意, 全部原庒線之下,軟弱無力的感覺不見了,空間感大增,有AK100,AK120可以一試,包你不會失望 请问师兄系边度入?官网吗? how much ching?? 官網買,約四千五 大約訂後4個工作天由U P S 送到家中,全程可追踪包裹位置。 how is Pure compared to Pure 2?anan_andy 發表於 2014-6-19 14:15 static/image/common/back.gif
how is Pure compared to Pure 2?
I didn't have pure. The main diff is pure 2 with mid and high gain that can drive most headphones with 300 ohm replied by Vorzuge. Pure 2基本上是非常中性, player 是甚麼 聲, 出來的就是player的 聲底,非常清,空間變得更實在,不會有味精,
配se846用low gain沒有底燥聲,,mid gain就有,但不太影嚮聆 聽、