有冇師兄用/試過Mirage OS3-FS呀?
本帖最後由 dreamchung 於 2009-8-27 15:37 編輯我正考慮緊買yamaha 3900同埋7.1speaker,目標係mirage,因為去showroom試過後一試難忘,所以想買4隻os3-sat,os3-cc,os3-fs同埋mirage presitage s10,我80%睇movie,20%睇演唱會,極少聽2聲道.所以想問下各位os3-fs適合嗎?各位對os3-fs有咩意見呀?
謝謝各位.thx yamaha 個毒氣房真係 好毒{:6_201:} 如果你要樣就冇得好講...
成萬蚊喎... 大把坐地好過佢! how much for the os fs? {:1_335:} 4# DonDon
標價$9800,有85折,即日8330左右. Ching, I will suggest you choose try NHT for center, because OS3 CC compare with NHT class 2 C not too detail and the bass NHT is good. IF you change center to NHT, may be will consider the front speaker wiil change. 想問下os3 fs好唔好聲?方向性好唔好? e 個價位都好多choice wor~
試真d 口味好wor....
仲有男人..好多人都有屎忽痕...同自己毒自己既病~ 多謝你既意見
呢隻os3 fs 係咪聽歌麻麻呢?我有70%睇戲,30%聽歌 *))) at sun in MK, looks very good and tempted to buy