ant9284 發表於 2014-4-21 15:53

Record Store Day

本帖最後由 ant9284 於 2014-4-21 15:59 編輯

If only we can have enough independent record stores in HK to participate in Record Store Day

Record Store Day was conceived in 2007 at a gathering of independent record store owners and employees as a way to celebrate and spread the word about the unique culture surrounding nearly 1000 independently owned record stores in the US and thousands of similar stores internationally. There are Record Store Day participating stores on every continent except Antarctica.

This is a day for the people who make up the world of the record store—the staff, the customers, and the artists—to come together and celebrate the unique culture of a record store and the special role these independently owned stores play in their communities. Special vinyl and CD releases and various promotional products are made exclusively for the day and hundreds of artists in the United States and in various countries across the globe make special appearances and performances. Festivities include performances, cook-outs, body painting, meet & greets with artists, parades, djs spinning records and on and on. Metallica officially kicked off Record Store Day at Rasputin Music in San Francisco on April 19, 2008 and Record Store Day is now celebrated the third Saturday every April.

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-4-21 18:40

我未細看全部。但感覺上每年的 高級視聽展 已算是 接近的了。


lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-4-21 18:40

我未細看全部。但感覺上每年的 高級視聽展 已算是 接近的了。


ant9284 發表於 2014-4-21 19:02

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-4-21 18:40 static/image/common/back.gif
我未細看全部。但感覺上每年的 高級視聽展 已算是 接近的了。

要搵人扯頭纜,都好難。 ...

Record Store Day 係為支持獨立唱片店而設, 當日推出的獨家產品不會在大型舖如 HMV有售
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

psb 發表於 2014-4-21 19:35

真是可惜, 似乎這新12“ Vinyl Single 只是特別為支持英國RECORD STORE DAY而限量出版, 不是銷售給海外客戶{:6_194:}:

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-4-21 19:43


psb 發表於 2014-4-21 19:56

本帖最後由 psb 於 2014-4-21 19:58 編輯

lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-4-21 19:43 static/image/common/back.gif

幸運是有這個節日, 黑膠唱片的壽命可以持續...

jumpingjack 發表於 2014-4-21 21:23


Soundboy 發表於 2014-4-21 22:02

psb 發表於 2014-4-21 03:35 static/image/common/back.gif
真是可惜, 似乎這新12“ Vinyl Single 只是特別為支持英國RECORD STORE DAY而限量出版, 不是銷售給海外客戶 ...

A lot of people buy records/CDs made for Record Store Day to re-sell on ebay and other auction website.

It is good to see big name artists like PSB, Bruce Springsteen, Genesis, etc support Record Store Day.I, too, wish to see something like RSD for HK pop music.
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