nihilist 發表於 2014-4-21 01:35


Asmus Tietchens is one of the most renowned German artists in the abstract music scene. He began by recording a handful of Residents-influenced synthesizer albums, launching into a peerless mix of stuttering beats and off-kilter harmonies which earned his music the generic tag "pseudo pop". "Der Fünfte Himmel" (The Fifth Sky) reaches back to a time before and after the so-called Zeitzeichen phase (Sky Records phase), gathering up unwanted or rejected pieces, the ones considered unsuitable or simply left behind. This collection has never been released before in this form!

"Another Other Places" is – after a 17 year hiatus – the successor to "Other Places" , this manifesto of improvised avant-garde music by Dieter Moebius (Kluster, Cluster, Harmonia) on synthesizer and electronics, Mani Neumeier (Guru Guru) on drums, and Jürgen Engler (Male, Die Krupps) on guitars. The result: no repeat performance, instead a clear progression from its predecessor – the ambitious, but never unduly cerebral improvisation of three musical eccentrics.

The Krefeld duo YOU played their way into the elite of the German electronic music scene with their first two albums "Electric Day" (1979) and "Time Code" (1983). The music on "Laserscape" (1986) was conceived to accompany the laser performances of the same name by Horst H. Baumann. And that's what it sounds like: multilayered drones, up to 13 minutes long, evocative of Blade Runner's menacing atmosphere, sometimes laced with driving, pulsating sequences, typical of the so-called Berlin School (Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze etc).

Pyrolator, born Kurt Dahlke in 1958, co-founder of the legendary German label and publisher Ata Tak, member of various seminal post-punk bands such as D.A.F. and Der Plan, also released solo albums under his artist name from 1979 onwards.

alibabar 發表於 2014-4-21 01:55

thanks for introducing a German music, it's time to try a good music. {:1_351:}
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