我的 Pachelbel Canon
個人十分喜愛 Canon 所以收集了不同版本,如有志同道合的 Ching 歡迎分享。javascript:; 我得隻 PACHELBEL CANON & GRIEG HANDEL (黑膠)teddyng637 發表於 2014-4-19 13:34 static/image/common/back.gif
{:8_403:} 嘩,我都想要。 Same here!!!
I like it in sacd format.
Try to edit a list here.
C hing can u tell me the name of the cd with canon and released by decca?
I only like this music,but personally i have nearly 0 knowledge laaa 發表於 2014-4-19 21:01 static/image/common/back.gif
Same here!!!
I like it in sacd format.
Try to edit a list here.
liverpoolman 發表於 2014-4-19 23:02 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, i try to search in mk....but can't find it...
Do u know if there are still any canon by decca, that is not yet 絶版?
Thx 本帖最後由 liverpoolman 於 2014-4-20 17:23 編輯
我大部份是網購的(包括這隻Decca),外國的選擇太多。Decca 的 Canon 實在不多,另外小交的 This is classical Music 是 Decca 出的,也有一隻從日本訂回來的 Pachelbel's Canon on Parade (11 首 Canon) 是 Decca 和 Philips 的。
我又是很喜歡 Pachelbel Canon .這隻RCA Greatest Hit頭版很不錯呢. DECCA那隻已較少聽了. 這隻敲擊樂碟很多CHING也推崇,但礙於聽力問題,首Pachelbel Canon 很不像一向聽開的感覺......{:8_365:} E bay 買左隻卡爺Lp 返來 D弦樂靚到{:1_339:} 有D曲目卡爺真係無對手