Miran 發表於 2014-4-16 08:35

Samsung curved UHD TV 英國本月上市 (新聞中心資訊)

http://www.post76.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Samsung_HU8500.jpgSamsung早於年初CES先公布了,系列的曲面UHD TV,今次將於英國面世的是HU8500系列,由55至65吋不等。它們電視配備了4.2米曲率半徑,把視距優化,同時縮短了觀眾與屏幕邊緣之間的距離,提供了更廣闊的視野。
此為外國網站資訊,詳情可到 新聞中心 內了解 ... http://www.post76.com/wordpress/?p=54045

samuelhin 發表於 2014-4-16 14:10


gikifk 發表於 2014-4-16 19:56

55"........................$35000好有吸引力:是否 4K?

kenjilai916 發表於 2014-4-16 21:49

gikifk 發表於 2014-4-16 19:56 static/image/common/back.gif
55"........................$35000好有吸引力:是否 4K?

是 4K.....
坦白講,自然度輸plasma 少少....

gikifk 發表於 2014-4-16 22:35


frankiepoon 發表於 2014-4-17 00:26

4K is the future, but what about curves?
Just how much, you may wonder, did the curvature of the Samsung's screen contribute to this splendiferous viewing experience?
One point repeatedly made by Samsung boffins is that the curve actually creates a panoramic effect that makes the screen appear wider and more immersive.
Conversely, I found the opposite to be true. The curving edges mildly contract the apparent width of the image, not expand it. The panoramic effect does happen, but only when you are very near to the screen and the image more or less fills your field of vision.
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查看完整版本: Samsung curved UHD TV 英國本月上市 (新聞中心資訊)

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