edison133 發表於 2014-4-12 12:44

I found ground box using in signal ground is better then chassis ground!
So my connection is DAC signal ground and preamp signal ground for ground box.

leo25 發表於 2014-4-12 14:48

edison133 發表於 2014-4-12 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
I found ground box using in signal ground is better then chassis ground!
So my connection is DAC si ...

如果插amp phono in 既Signal GND 會唔會係最好呢?{:6_141:}

edison133 發表於 2014-4-12 18:47

本帖最後由 edison133 於 2014-4-12 21:05 編輯

All input ground are same rail, so it should not have any different.

itoy2008 發表於 2014-4-12 19:09

agree ar, for reference:

jackt 發表於 2014-4-12 23:07

Glock18C 發表於 2014-4-12 02:52 static/image/common/back.gif
照jackt兄既意思 , 地盒接機殼係最穩陣既做法

接機殼係安全的做法,不一定最好聲,按照 itoy2008兄講法,分開 chassis ground 和 signal ground 用不相連地盒的玩法,應該可以有唔錯嘅表現。

jackt 發表於 2014-4-12 23:11

edison133 發表於 2014-4-12 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
I found ground box using in signal ground is better then chassis ground!
So my connection is DAC si ...

Yes, it is interesting. But if I have one ground box, I will only connect the chassis gourd for safety reason.

edison133 發表於 2014-4-13 08:00

jackt 發表於 2014-4-12 23:11 static/image/common/back.gif
Yes, it is interesting. But if I have one ground box, I will only connect the chassis gourd for sa ...

Hahahah, 其實大部份HiFl產品的signal ground已是直接或間接方法接了 earth ground !

siuping 發表於 2014-4-14 09:56

本帖最後由 siuping 於 2014-4-14 10:30 編輯

edison133 發表於 2014-4-12 12:44 static/image/common/back.gif
I found ground box using in signal ground is better then chassis ground!
So my connection is DAC si ...

So... are u using two ground boxes to prevent ground loop?

Budget-fi 發表於 2014-4-14 10:02

師兄們試下落地盒前串一粒電阻/cap, 可能有驚喜{:1_343:}

avad 發表於 2014-4-14 10:11

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