小弟音響有些問題....你地答到幾多得幾多, 謝
本帖最後由 hq1 於 2014-4-30 21:58 編輯1. my existing jumpers are of 3.5 inches per each now.I would like to make another set but only 1.5 inches each.will they be too short and will it create any problem for too short?
2. 我有一穩壓牛, 已開始舊, 1.5YEARS ^^!!佢開始有時會叫, 想問可否加些石仔之類東西 (電氣石溝長備炭, 或石英 ....) , 可以去噪音嗎? 可有便宜SOLUTION?
3. 喇叭線差頭太舊可否用沙紙清潔?有無更好方法?
4. 小弟想問可否裝Jriver, 可以播DSD file 但小分DAC不support DSD, 可以在jriver中改用wav/FLAC file 24/192 出去dac嗎, 否則如何攪? 又不想貫新dac?
5. ~完~ {:1_330:} I'm using the below methods for Q3:
If it's gold plated, try "擦字膠" first.If not that effective, try "沙膠".For both, be patient and rub slowly & lightly.
If it's silver plated, try "抹銀布".