@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-18 20:22

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-18 17:57 static/image/common/back.gif
睇返根本係UBI LOCK左令隻GAME無咁正 , 點知比人係程式碼搵返出黎    ...

一黎佢真係唔會開放哂D特效出黎,二黎隻game平日打咩燈,咩天氣咩氣氛都係artist同designer負責/決定,佢地唸嘅所謂靚未必同玩家所唸嘅一致。所以隻game出左,班玩友第一時間入config係咁改野,改改下又試到D正效果,就好似當年Crysis一樣。不過哩類情況我成日覺唔多唔少同遊戲商與顯卡大廠之間嘅利益輸送有關。哩家出親PC game,Nvidia都會第一時間走出黎又話隻game用左自己咩技術,又邊張新出嘅單卡可以推最高特效。如果佢到時出街真係靚到連新卡都推唔起咁真係倒米啦。

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-18 22:05

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-18 20:22 static/image/common/back.gif
一黎佢真係唔會開放哂D特效出黎,二黎隻game平日打咩燈,咩天氣咩氣氛都係artist同designer負責/決定,佢 ...

佢最PK係比人搵到嘅程式碼註明係E3 2012,亦即係一路個個話最正嘅版本,只要將佢由0改做1就會開返哂,咁你話佢係咪有心收埋{:1_250:}

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-18 22:19

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-18 22:05 static/image/common/back.gif
佢最PK係比人搵到嘅程式碼註明係E3 2012,亦即係一路個個話最正嘅版本,只要將佢由0改做1就會開返哂,咁 ...


chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-18 23:11

本帖最後由 chantszkin 於 2014-6-18 23:13 編輯

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-18 22:19 static/image/common/back.gif



To quote CyberPunked from the PC performance thread...

Originally Posted by CyberPunked

The Worse, creator of the mod on Guru3d: http://forums.guru3d.com/showthread.php?t=390114

Has made massive discoveries/improvements. He has discovered that almost all of the shaders and improvements seen in 2012 and 2013 are still in the game files, such as the e3 2012 explosions. For now he has managed to implement dynamic shadows from headlights, the increased rain density, increased NPC density, as well as 2012 e3 bloom and lens flare.
When he manages to unpack certain files, he will be able to activate everything, such as POMs, etc.

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-19 12:04

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-18 23:11 static/image/common/back.gif

IC~不過我都唔太肯定,就咁睇佢哩兩個標注為"E3"嘅class都係得D雨雲同打燈係有得set,其他真係E3 2012專屬果堆fog同火花都冇類似的parameters可以改。其實之前都講過,佢正式出街版除咗刪特效之外visual都有大執。始終條片都係兩年前嘅產物。其實大部份大廠喺E3嘅演示不論係AI,畫面,難度都係set左特定路徑,有隱藏野唔出奇。加上當年哩條演示好似係行580 SLI推的,你PS4/XBO如果有咁多particle都lag都爆。多平台game就係要縮水。


chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-19 20:28

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-19 12:04 static/image/common/back.gif
IC~不過我都唔太肯定,就咁睇佢哩兩個標注為"E3"嘅class都係得D雨雲同打燈係有得set,其他真係E3 2012專 ...


@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-19 20:42

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-19 20:28 static/image/common/back.gif

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-20 09:33


Ubisoft Explains Why Watch Dogs On PC Had Hidden Graphic Options
The dev team is completely dedicated to getting the most out of each platform, so the notion that we would actively downgrade quality is contrary to everything we've set out to achieve. We test and optimize our games for each platform on which they're released, striving for the best possible quality. The PC version does indeed contain some old, unused render settings that were deactivated for a variety of reasons, including possible impacts on visual fidelity, stability, performance and overall gameplay quality. Modders are usually creative and passionate players, and while we appreciate their enthusiasm, the mod in question (which uses those old settings) subjectively enhances the game's visual fidelity in certain situations but also can have various negative impacts. Those could range from performance issues, to difficulty in reading the environment in order to appreciate the gameplay, to potentially making the game less enjoyable or even unstable.

Thanks for playing Watch Dogs and stay safe on the mean streets of Chicago.

-The Watch Dogs Team

@肥狗仔@ 發表於 2014-6-20 10:06

chantszkin 發表於 2014-6-20 09:33 static/image/common/back.gif

Ubisoft Explains Why Watch Dogs On PC Had Hidden Graphic Options


DVD迷 發表於 2014-6-24 09:53

仲有2日就出中文版了,訂左冇得走,慘了{:6_125:} {:6_126:}
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