請問各位Ching , 但係我AV amp bypass int. amp , 冇接電視都會有Zi Zi 聲, 咁係咪有其他問題 ? ...
只用2ch 開聲約一半,有無zizi聲(正常實無啦)
之後再試下開翻AV AMP
如果呢個時候有,咁就唔係你d線材問題係 group loop
如果 2ch都有,你就要換下線材黎試
之前simon兄都有教過我係部後級博條地去AV AMP到
marcolam 發表於 2014-3-26 18:31 static/image/common/back.gif
My connection:Wall tv plug --> ISOLATOR --> cable tv box (antenna plug) --> AV amp --> TV
Thanks CHing{:6_195:} . Hope I can do it (I'm idiot in electronics) bobc 發表於 2014-3-27 18:06 static/image/common/back.gif
Thanks CHing . Hope I can do it (I'm idiot in electronics)
you are welcome. Good luck. Pls check pm. thanks chings.
Normally how much is an isolator? lover 發表於 2014-3-31 11:33 static/image/common/back.gif
thanks chings.
Normally how much is an isolator?
i bought it about $120 about 1 year ago. I suggest you to call the following to check the price and whether he has the stock or not. Sometimes, he runs out of stock.Good luck.
集安總代理香港區:集安系統九龍深水埗鴨寮街191號Tel: 27289948 我去鴨記搵唔到isolator
在哪買?咩樣? http://www.amazon.com/Jensen-VRD-1FF-Digital-Isolator---Jensen/dp/B00AQV04FE/ref=sr_1_sc_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1396754305&sr=8-2-spell&keywords=isolator+jenson