lukalok 發表於 2014-3-25 14:38

Prometheus 2 (Paradise) (2016)

本帖最後由 lukalok 於 2014-3-25 14:49 編輯

Prometheus 2 Release Date Confirmed!
Filming Set to Begin this Fall!

Following last week's prediction that Fox planned to release the sequel to Ridley Scott's Prometheus on March 4th, 2016 comes confirmation via The Wrap who claims insiders have assured them that the release date for Prometheus 2 is in fact true. Not only that, but they also claim that a second writer was also brought on, Michael Green to touch up the screenplay originally penned by Jack Paglen. Michael was originally enlisted to pen the script for Ridley Scott's Blade Runner sequel as well.

Thankfully, in addition to the exciting news of Prometheus 2's official release date, The Wrap's sources also verify that Ridley Scott will in fact return to direct the sequel and not just produce it.

To add even more excitement, potential plot details have also been leaked suggesting that we may see multiple 'David' andoirds, portrayed by Prometheus' spotlight stealer, Michael Fassbender! Here's the exact quote from The Wrap:

“Prometheus” served as an ‘unofficial’ prequel to Scott's seminal 1979 sci-fi movie “Alien,” and the sequel that Green will write aims to be much more “alien-y” and in line with the terrifying tone of past films in the franchise. Additionally, the sequel is expected to feature multiple ‘David’ androids, which means there will be more than one Michael Fassbender on screen at the same time, according to an individual familiar with the project.

Prometheus 2 (possibly named 'Paradise') is finally set for an official release date and filming is set to begin this fall! We at Scified began our journey into the sci-fi news and entertainment business because of Scott's Prometheus back in 2012, so we are more than excited to see the sequel hit theaters in 2 years! Let us know how excited you are for Prometheus 2 by commenting below!





ayumi678 發表於 2014-3-26 01:41

等你好耐 終於公佈!!!!但係個導演會唔會死先過套戲 話哂都有番咁上下年紀{:9_418:}   希望佢未拍哂之前都唔好有事~~~

kc275 發表於 2014-3-26 18:35


夜遊人 發表於 2014-3-27 17:23

ayumi678 發表於 2014-3-26 01:41 static/image/common/back.gif
等你好耐 終於公佈!!!!但係個導演會唔會死先過套戲 話哂都有番咁上下年紀   希望佢未拍哂之前都 ...

76 歲 {:1_248:}{:1_331:}

larcom2002 發表於 2014-4-22 11:54

kc275 發表於 2014-3-26 18:35 static/image/common/back.gif


原明 發表於 2014-4-22 13:08

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