waipak 發表於 2014-3-23 23:58

x300a 求教

小第新手玩CAS. 而家用KEF X300A 經AMARRA 播歌已經覺得好好.
想請問一下仲有冇D 再好聲D 既玩法?
例如加D 其它硬件.


beerboy 發表於 2014-3-24 00:14

有... 唔好玩cas... {:8_390:}

terryc 發表於 2014-3-24 00:14

有... 唔好玩cas... x2{:8_390:}

waipak 發表於 2014-3-24 00:18

CHING 姐係用3.5MM 入? 定WIFI?

我有隻SYNOLOGY USB 入去但出唔到聲,估係因為佢認唔到個X300A. ><

waipak 發表於 2014-3-24 00:19


tonytm 發表於 2014-3-26 09:40

X300A剛出的時候,我曾經問過KEF佢地, 呢個產品只support電腦直接USB, NAS並不支援! {:8_374:}


furuya 發表於 2014-3-26 09:49

有. 外置DAC先, X300A隻DAC好廢

eltee00 發表於 2014-3-26 10:49

1) Easiest - Run Amarra with Cache and Playlist mode. Don't use iTunes integrated. Having iTunes playing at the same time degrades sound quality

2) Easy - Load music onto your SD card and play music from it using Playlist mode.

3) Medium - Create RAM Drive and load Amarra and your music onto your RAM Drive


4) Medium - Run the OSX audio optimization script - This will shut down alot of the startup process and useless things running in the background. Running less process = better sound quality. But only use it if you use your computer for playing music only because it takes a way alot of the main process needed to run other programs smoothly. But you can always reset the script easily when you are done with listening to music.


5) Hard - install OSX and Amarra/Audirvana onto a SD card, and then boot from SD card and then dismount your internal hard-drive. And do all of the above also.


Can PM me if you have any questions.

eltee00 發表於 2014-3-26 11:24

furuya 發表於 2014-3-26 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
有. 外置DAC先, X300A隻DAC好廢

for X300A if you use the 3.5mm input it still goes through the internal ADC -> DAC before it output sound. It is a senseless design.

homealone 發表於 2014-3-26 12:15

eltee00 發表於 2014-3-26 11:24 static/image/common/back.gif
for X300A if you use the 3.5mm input it still goes through the internal ADC -> DAC before it outpu ...

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