Alman 發表於 2014-3-18 11:32

Cable Theory

剛在Cable Asylum 看到AudioQuest的 CableTheory, 很有参考價值, 有興趣可一看:

plnl88 發表於 2014-3-18 12:15

"The logic of a good system is very simple: Every component matters!
The electronics, the speakers, the cables, even every solder joint, all
cause damage. Each component is like one of the dirty panes of glass
in this illustration. Each one blocks a bit of the view. The quality of the
final performance, or the clarity of the view, is the original signal minus
the damage done by all the pieces in-between. Improving any one of
the components will improve the performance. Cleaning any one of the
glass panes will allow a clearer view."

Alman 發表於 2014-3-18 19:23


itoy2008 發表於 2014-3-18 22:54

Each component is like one of the dirty panes of glass x2 v good example ^,^

Lau6311 發表於 2014-3-19 13:15


BRAHMS 發表於 2014-3-19 13:37

其實我重用緊10年前的AQ 線....家陣科技進步, 其實新線係咪會好聲好多呢? 比如603

Alman 發表於 2014-3-19 19:57

BRAHMS 發表於 2014-3-19 13:37 static/image/common/back.gif
其實我重用緊10年前的AQ 線....家陣科技進步, 其實新線係咪會好聲好多呢? 比如603 ...

新線況確實有改變(善), 如用料及設計方面。 old線的問題估計與用料如銅線老(氧)化有關。之前拆對十多年的AQ Extreme Clear 喇叭線,D銅線真是較暗色, 可能會影響音質。

BRAHMS 發表於 2014-3-19 23:25

Alman 發表於 2014-3-19 19:57 static/image/common/back.gif
新線況確實有改變(善), 如用料及設計方面。 old線的問題估計與用料如銅線老(氧)化有關。之前拆對十多 ...

係呀, 我都有D 10年前AQ 散線 gibraltar, 近日爆開佢, 有包皮都 "雅" 色左{:8_367:}
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