《直航殺機》(Non-Stop)…….J J 小評 (含內容)
本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2014-8-31 17:57 編輯o係近期馬航事件下,飛機上面題材既電影都幾敏感,所以對呢套戲黎講都唔知好事定壞事?
各位入場前千其唔好抱住睇《救參96小時》(Taken)既心態,如果唔係可能會略為失望,用sent message黎同恐怖份子做聯系,貼近而家大部份既低頭一族,幾貼時下潮流唔錯幾有feel,一開場都無講大多無謂野就起機,中段時間感覺有d重覆所以稍有悶場 (都係你一個message問,我一個message答既野),但整體成套戲都算緊張,因為o係客機上面空間有限,所以動作場面都唔算好多,而女主角就嫌比較成熟啦,可能要搵個襯返男主角掛,所以套戲點都要搵d後較生既空姐同乘客黎平衡下~~~XDDDDD,之後搵誰是兇手,就例牌其實邊個都有機會係兇手,總之就要搞到你個個都有嫌疑 (包括男主角) , 呢d戲犯駁位就預左,學而家d人話事解~~~~~~包容下啦!XDDDD
總結:唔使點o徒神用腦睇既電影,觀能刺激亦都比到我,收貨鳥! 本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2014-3-25 08:25 編輯
Liam Neeson今個開始拍《救參96小時3》(TAKEN 3)
Liam Neeson has cast doubt on a sequel;
however, 20th Century Fox and"Taken" co-writer/producers Luc Besson and Robert Mark Kamen are considering developing "Taken 3". "We didn't start talking about "Taken 3" until we saw the numbers," Kamen tells Hollywood.com. "But then we said, 'Oh, okay. I think we should do a third one.' And Fox wants us to do a third one. We've taken everyone we can take—it's going to go in another direction. Should be interesting."
On January 29, Forest Whitaker
joined the film.
Additionally, Maggie Grace is in talks to return.
Liam Neeson confirmed a third film on February 1, 2014 while on The Jonathan Ross Show
. On the same day, Liam Neeson said he'd join as long as no one gets taken.
On March 12, 2013, Grace and Janssen have closed a deal to return for the third film, which will be the last.
Fox announced that Taken 3 is scheduled for release on January 9, 2015. 本帖最後由 jayjay 於 2014-3-25 23:39 編輯
By the way
而唔係《救參72小時》 jayjay 發表於 2014-3-25 08:23 static/image/common/back.gif
By the way