請教 Krell power amp s1500
請問水貨 120V 可以自行轉220V嗎 ?Thank you, ching 們。 Showcase tas 2250 3250 KAV1500都得
S1500唔confirm, send email 問廠穩陣。 個賣家話Manual 入面呢句:
'The AC mains fuse must be replaced with the spare fuse provided. Use
the 12A 1/4-inch slow-blow fuse for 100–120 VAC, and use the 6A 1/4-
inch slow-blow fuse for 220–240 VAC.'
就代表可以換fuse可以行220v, 唔知流定堅{:1_336:}
Thanks chhanthony兄 Dave 發表於 2014-3-15 19:58 static/image/common/back.gif
個賣家話Manual 入面呢句:
'The AC mains fuse must be replaced with the spare fuse provided. Use
the 1 ...