victor_wong 發表於 2014-3-20 01:23

訂了 劉美君,林志美,弱智浩二 (爛 Gag), 同 always in my mind (回味一下阿飛),希望冇買錯啦,如果環球出阿倫,希望由 忘不了你 出起啦,咁隻 K2HD 就可以收檔啦,so far 感覺比較麻麻係 new centry 隻 “ 傳說 ” 聽落轉數好似快過正常,可能我唔係專業,純屬個人感覺。

說到尾,上得 76多,跌 $ 是無可避免的了。%7B:1_332:%7D
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

iwc 發表於 2014-3-20 01:25


KENXYZ 發表於 2014-3-20 01:32


lamwaikit007 發表於 2014-3-20 01:32

iwc 發表於 2014-3-20 01:25


Soundboy 發表於 2014-3-20 02:56

At, both of 林憶蓮's SACD....Workz and 白金珍藏版....are out of stock already.

If I'm HK Sony Music, think about releasing 林憶蓮's album on SACD....放縱, Ready, 灰色, etc.

If you're HK Warner Music, think about releasing the 都市接觸 series on a boxset.

I don't know if HK Universal Music still controls 林憶蓮's albums on EMI.If so, why not?

Soundboy 發表於 2014-3-20 03:46

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2014-3-19 11:48 編輯

laaa 發表於 2014-3-19 08:43 static/image/common/back.gif
其實除jor hk 之外,其他地方sacd 是否popular?
Sony jp 有否印其他sacd?

Japan Sony pressed SACDs for its own domestic SACD titles, the SHM-SACD titles for Japan Universal Music and SACDs for Japan Warner Music (like the 2014 SACD reissues of 2012 中森明菜 SACDs)

I'm in the US and SACD is popular with audiophiles.Both Mobile Fidelity and Audio Fidelity (AF just announced this) have stopped releasing 24K gold CDs and instead release SACDs.Analogue Productions have announced many SACD titles too, like the reissue of the RCA Living Stereo SACD series.However, if you look at HK's population vs. the number of SACDs HK released, it seems to be more popular in HK.As a format, the total number of SACDs released around the world is increasing....about 700 new titles last year and over 200 for 2014 (so far).Many people have predicted the death of SACD over the years, but it is for from dead....especially with DSD downloading making news.

sanwa 發表於 2014-3-20 12:17


bubuharry 發表於 2014-3-20 12:43

ripslyme05 發表於 2014-3-20 01:16
依家旺角鋪租咁貴, 唔炒碟點生存? 信和13樓都成日hold起CD炒賣, 不過唔似節x同WW咁一出無耐就炒, 正如樓上 ...


laaa 發表於 2014-3-20 12:45

I want re release of mj thriller sacd!
And all jacky cheung and teresa teng sacd!

snakexthin 發表於 2014-3-20 15:14

隻玉置浩二, 灣仔銅鑼灣仲有冇正價{:1_332:}
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查看完整版本: SONY MUSIC SACD Releases 19 March 2014

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