請問bell wire點解
Our loudspeakers use carefully graded OFC internal wiring and high quality components. The cable between the amplifier and the inputs on your speakers can be a potential limitation in the system. As a general rule, any high quality multi strand or solid conductor will give good results. Speaker cable can be a very personal choice, for best results avoid very thin cables or "bell wire" as they can strangle the signals that your amplifier is sending to your speakers.
There are many good brands of speaker cable on the market. Refer to Hi-fi magazine tests and dealer recommendations before you decide on the best cable for your system and budget. A suggested budget for cable is 5% of the total cost of your speakers per metre of cable used.
bell wire
Small-diameter wire of low current-carrying capacity; covered with insulating material rated at 30 volts or less.
A copper wire, usually solid rather than stranded, and soft-drawn rather than hard-drawn, used in low-current, low-voltage applications. 其實我睇完都唔明{:1_342:}
感謝samnet1 ching回覆{:1_249:}
呢度"bell-wire"既意思係比喻,唔好用類似兩芯或四芯既電話線接駁,否則會扼殺部分訊號 bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-11 16:20 static/image/common/back.gif
呢度"bell-wire"既意思係比喻,唔好用類似兩芯或四芯既電話線接駁,否則會扼殺部分訊號 ...
感謝{:8_387:} {:8_387:}