Decreate 發表於 2014-3-9 02:21

Unique Melody Mentor

Just received my universal Mentors today and when I first plugged them into the AK240, my heart sank. I was using the foam tips that was pre installed on them and the default cable. They somehow sounded worse then my Miracles and 1+2...kind of muffled and congested. I then switched to the silicon tips that came with them, but it was not much better. It was a bit clearer but it still sounded congested and there seemed to be a slight increase of treble at around the 3k region which made them sound uncomfortable to my ears. I then switched over the Audio Technica silicon tips which I was using with my 1+2 which made them sound better but everything still sounded congested so I switched over the 1+2's silver / gold cable and immediately everything improved. The final change I made was switching the tips again, this time I used the Ortofon tips that initially came with my 1+2's. These really sound quite similar to the Miracles except there is a slight boost to the sub bass and the treble (around the 6k region I guess). I am really happy with this setup right now and can't wait to try it with the balanced cable from Whiplash when it arrives.

Initially I was quoted a 4 week wait but to my surprise it came after waiting for just 3 weeks. Really need to thank Stephen for helping me through the ordering process.

SCLEE 發表於 2014-3-9 08:39

Have you bought Uber with 1+2? If yes, can try and you may find it further improved, same as 1+2

Decreate 發表於 2014-3-9 11:29

Sorry, I don't have the uber cable. I've tried it and really liked the sound when paired with the 1+2 but found it wasn't very ideal for portable use.

nightscrawler 發表於 2014-3-10 08:52

Oh, finally someone got the Mentor and reported!

May I know more about its sound signature and isolation? Does it sound v-shape (with recessed mid)?


Decreate 發表於 2014-3-11 02:20

nightscrawler 發表於 2014-3-10 08:52 static/image/common/back.gif
Oh, finally someone got the Mentor and reported!

May I know more about its sound signature and isol ...

In terms of sound signature I am only able to give you acomparison between the Mentors, 1+2 and the Miracles as these are the only iems I am left with right now.

When compared with the 1+2, the Mentors seems to have less bass in terms of quantity but the sub bass seems to hit just as low in the frequency range. When compared with the Miracles, the Mentors definitely have a bit more sub bass.

The Mentors definitely have more mids than the 1+2 and therefore has a fuller sound especially when it comes to vocals. When compared with the Miracles the mids of the Mentors seem slightly recessed but this is probably because of the slight increase of bass and treble. Although slightly recessed, I personally found the mids of the Mentors to sound really nice.

When compared with the 1+2, there is definitely less treble with the Mentors. However it is not rolled off like a lot of the Shure iems I had tried before. The high notes, cymbals etc all sound clear and natural whereas with the 1+2 there were times when I found certain tracks to be a bit sibilant.

In terms of soundstage, its in between the 1+2 and the Miracles.

I found them to isolate slightly better than the 1+2 but not as good as the Miracles as the Miracles are custom.

Please note that this was after I changed cables and tips because the original cable and tips really didn't sound too good...
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