N56u 求救
今個星期入左部N56u, setup 完用手機check大約DL有2xm,UL under 10m.ipan mini II 用5Ghz DL有7xm, UL1xm.之從諗住setup隻hard disk through
USB. 但唔識set DDNS. 攪到要禁機身個reset制。
問題就黎, reset後2.4及5Ghz速度大大下降, 得番DL 1xm, UL只得幾m.
試過reset, 重置都係咁. 有無辦法解決. Thanks 之前有無改過setting?佢應該有得save個profile。有無熄機再開? turn off the router and modem.take out the power cord for 10 mins... reconnect and try again 有無update最新fw 去改以改個Channel......
有時個Auto Channel會傻傻地, 揀咗個好多人用嘅Channel就會慢一截 Thank you all Ching.
原來問題出係有線. 我用更有線130M上網, 前日師傅上嚟睇, 由屋企出面拉線入屋
有90幾M, 但屋裡面得20幾M. 星期五會再有師傅嚟睇. Use the android apps "Wifi Analyzer" which could help you to find which wifi channel is the best in your area. platform 發表於 2014-3-12 17:18 static/image/common/back.gif
Thank you all Ching.
原來問題出係有線. 我用更有線130M上網, 前日師傅上嚟睇, 由屋企出面拉線入屋