Hi-Res songs @ NWZ-ZX1
{:6_189:}Ching,我見到ZX1播機入面FLAC檔時,左下角有HR字出現, 但我播Apple Losses檔時, 就無出現. 咁即部機有無將Apple Losses檔做upscaling?
THX! 當出現HR 時係代表首歌係16/44.1以上的格式 ZX1 唔會自己 upsampling...{:6_160:} jasonfoknxu 發表於 2014-3-7 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif
ZX1 唔會自己 upsampling...
Thx Ching... jasonfoknxu 發表於 2014-3-7 13:36 static/image/common/back.gif
ZX1 唔會自己 upsampling...
ZX1 會 upsmaple, 個Function叫 DSEE HX,官網自己寫嘅
atm700 發表於 2014-3-10 13:52 static/image/common/back.gif
ZX1 會 upsmaple, 個Function叫 DSEE HX,官網自己寫嘅
http://www.sony.com.hk/products/walkman/zx1/fea ...
果個DSEE HX應該係提升音質only,
即使ZX1+PHA2 都做唔到upsampling {:1_333:} dezispop 發表於 2014-3-10 14:46 static/image/common/back.gif
果個DSEE HX應該係提升音質only,
即使ZX1+PHA2 都做唔到upsampling
說明本抄出嚟 ,睇字眼就係up上24/192{:1_332:}
DSEE HX function
This function upgrades the audio file to a High-Resolution Audio file (*1) and reproduces the clear high-range sound which is often lost. However, the available playback time of the fully charged battery may be reduced when this function is used.
(*1) The file is expanded to a maximum 192 kHz/24 bit equivalent.
http://www.sony-asia.com/microsite/walkman_i-manuals/NWZ-ZX1/en/contents/TP0000072219.html?search=dsee atm700 發表於 2014-3-11 14:57 static/image/common/back.gif
說明本抄出嚟 ,睇字眼就係up上24/192
DSEE HX function
求專家解答, 不過一定唔係真upsampling.
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