發表於 2014-3-16 23:27
昨晚抬左對 244 去個 FRIEND 度, 試 NAIM 282/200, CDS3, 齊晒CAP, 有晒FRAIM, 都推唔出我想要嘅膽味,
問題係我個FRIEND用 SF Guaneri Momento, 試同樣嘅曲目, D聲底完全唔同
我明白係兩種唔同嘅 Speaker, 價位又差咁遠, 但冇諗過分別咁大, SF 超重古典味離晒箱, 但聲慢少少, 依然通透, ELAC 比下去了
結論係......我個FRIEND 話, ELAC 唔夾 NAIM
發表於 2014-3-17 02:21
本帖最後由 極地雪 於 2014-3-17 02:23 編輯
Lientenant 發表於 2014-3-16 23:27 static/image/common/back.gif
昨晚抬左對 244 去個 FRIEND 度, 試 NAIM 282/200, CDS3, 齊晒CAP, 有晒FRAIM, 都推唔出我想要嘅膽味,
問 ...
ELAC 我個人認為係比較難推, 講真, 如果要推得ELAC 貼貼服服, 相信要係合併AMP + RCA + 喇叭線做下功夫~
發表於 2014-3-17 22:50
Lientenant 發表於 2014-3-16 23:27 static/image/common/back.gif
昨晚抬左對 244 去個 FRIEND 度, 試 NAIM 282/200, CDS3, 齊晒CAP, 有晒FRAIM, 都推唔出我想要嘅膽味,
問 ...
發表於 2014-3-18 17:10
題外話~ 有冇師兄聽過隻 Air x 403, 細細隻, 但係個力量有 244BE 9成 {:1_351:} 聽完我都流哂口水
發表於 2014-3-18 17:28
I sent an email to Elac asking a similar question (for FS247) three years ago, the following is the reply from Elac.
Although the recommendation in the follows challenged by many high end member here, can still hope it can give you some ideas.
we are the German representative for Primare electronics from Sweden
( These components fit well to our speakers, e.g. the I32 is
a good match. Furthermore, from our customers we know, that English
electronics is often preferred, e.g. Rotel, Cambridge or NAD.
Mit freundlichen Gr晧en / Best regards,
Bjarne Sommerfeldt
Entwicklung / R&D
ELAC Electroacustic GmbH
Rendsburger Landstr. 215
24113 Kiel
T: +49(431) - 64774-37
F: +49(431) - 682101
發表於 2014-3-19 00:40
chhanthony 發表於 2014-3-18 17:28 static/image/common/back.gif
I sent an email to Elac asking a similar question (for FS247) three years ago, the following is the...
Thanks and frankly, those brands of amp are not my cup of tea. After I tested out few brands recently, I m now prefering / looking for Tube amp, it gives me more details with not much spending and different fun by changing differenet tubes at all. Of course I m a beginner on this apect but I would keep searching and finalise a true amp for myself within the month.
發表於 2014-3-20 11:26
我現在用copland CTA405A推elac 403, 效果出來都好滿意.。
你可以去銅鑼灣原x, 叫佢地駁比你試聽吓!
發表於 2014-3-21 00:30
dog17dog 發表於 2014-3-20 11:26 static/image/common/back.gif
我現在用copland CTA405A推elac 403, 效果出來都好滿意.。
你可以去銅鑼灣原x, 叫佢地駁比你試聽吓! ...
師兄, 可以 PM 我, 你買CTA405A 幾多錢 ??
發表於 2014-3-21 01:08
Lientenant 發表於 2014-3-21 00:30 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄, 可以 PM 我, 你買CTA405A 幾多錢 ??
check PM
發表於 2014-3-21 23:14
今日聽過 JADIS DA30, 請問有冇師兄知道...這膽AMP 夾 ELAC 嗎?