DVD迷 發表於 2015-6-16 00:12


gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 13:03

DVD迷 發表於 2015-6-16 00:12 static/image/common/back.gif

聽講外國某d game鋪"唔小心"提早派貨, 所以已經有人玩緊了.

DVD迷 發表於 2015-6-16 13:14

gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 13:03 static/image/common/back.gif
聽講外國某d game鋪"唔小心"提早派貨, 所以已經有人玩緊了.


gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 15:15

本帖最後由 gashapon 於 2015-6-16 15:17 編輯

DVD迷 發表於 2015-6-16 13:14 static/image/common/back.gif

我係AK個offical forum有寫到:

Aside from it seemingly being a rule on this forum (which is why your posts are being deleted if you link to footage from the game), please don't post anything related to the the early accidental release of Arkham Knight. Some retailers have accidentally handed physical copies over early and now we're starting to see screenshots, videos and text descriptions popping up about the game. Try to keep all of that off the forum for now. The game will be in everybody's hands in a week - so let's do each other a favour and not post anything from the early release, regardless of if it's story spoilers or otherwise.

If you simply cannot wait and must know absolutely everything about Arkham Knight and would like to spoil the game, there are plenty of other websites you can visit to find what you're looking for. Remember that if you see something, intentionally or accidentally, keep it to yourself until the game's out, and then the forum will start allowing discussions about the game (and I think we're getting a dedicated spoiler section too if anybody wants to discuss the story).

當然一定會有d相熟youtuber, game website的人都應該可以早玩(咁就可以23號立即出post谷人氣~~)

DVD迷 發表於 2015-6-16 16:05

gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 15:15 static/image/common/back.gif
我係AK個offical forum有寫到:

Aside from it seemingly being a rule on this forum (which is why you ...


gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 16:22

Batman Arkham Knight E3 2015 Trailer


hugomember 發表於 2015-6-16 20:24

gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 15:15 static/image/common/back.gif
我係AK個offical forum有寫到:

Aside from it seemingly being a rule on this forum (which is why you ...

早一兩日就話啫,,, 早派貨成個星期就真係太離譜啦~~

hugomember 發表於 2015-6-16 20:29

gashapon 發表於 2015-6-16 16:22 static/image/common/back.gif
Batman Arkham Knight E3 2015 Trailer

,,, 臨尾有啲似喪屍GAME~~

johnlau 發表於 2015-6-17 14:10

去左 http://digitalgamesprices.com/xboxone.php check過 , Deluxe 版最平係台灣賣場,
pre-order 10% off 後價錢係 NT$2252 = HK$565, 香港賣場deluxe 版10%off 都要 $720.


johnlau 發表於 2015-6-17 16:09

本帖最後由 johnlau 於 2015-6-17 16:11 編輯

johnlau 發表於 2015-6-17 14:10 static/image/common/back.gif
去左 http://digitalgamesprices.com/xboxone.php check過 , Deluxe 版最平係台灣賣場,
pre-order 10% off...

自己覆返自己先, 初初係xbox.com 轉賣場去台灣, 然後直接入條link, 揀購買,先加返個信用卡資料(呢度完全無問題, 我用返香港地址, 只係要入返個正確台灣郵遞區碼(上網求其揀一個), 跟住就襟購買! 點知就出 PBR9002 error.

上網查左一輪, 應該係微軟 block 左 cross-country 買game, 之後我用左以下方法成功買到台灣版batman

1. 用 iphone (其他智能電話原理一樣)
2. 先轉左地區去 taiwan
3. 去vpngate.net 搵返台灣 gateway
4. 係 iphone > network 加個 vpn (我用 L2TP, 唔需要另外裝 app) (remark: 如果電話唔support L2TP, 可以裝返 openVPN 再入返相對應既資料)
5. 入返 台灣 vpn 資料 (主要係個 IP/Address, 其他login / password/ secretphrase 都係一樣用返"VPN"呢個字)
6. 著返VPN
7. 入 smartglass app
8. 應該見到d 價錢係 NT (台幣)
9. 由於我之前已經係xbox.com 加哂信用卡資料, 所以搵返隻batman, 一襟購買, 之後攪掂, 轉頭收埋 MS 個email!!

補充: 之前我係加拿大/俄羅斯都有買過game, 尤其俄羅斯之前都勁平, 但個方法都會係買gift card 再買, 咁就唔使用VPN, 但今次台灣賣場由於唔係咁容易買到gift card 係用email 收code), 所以膽粗粗試試VPN 買(之前見台灣人都係用VPN 買其他地區既game), 終於成功了!!

同埋由於隻game本身係香港賣場都有, 所以係 電話/電腦買既好處係, 你買完 ,返到去開 xbox one, 唔使轉地區就可以download返港版!!

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查看完整版本: Batman: Arkham Knight

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