jeremymak 發表於 2014-3-2 21:47


teddyng637 發表於 2014-3-3 00:49


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AbnxerIngema 發表於 2014-3-18 04:14

Burberry Outlet Online Why Build a List

Why Build a List?
A list is the most valuable thing any business can have. The value of a business is directly proportional to it's list. And this isn't about buying a random list and spamming their inboxes,Burberry Outlet Online.
Think about it, how often do you open all those unsolicited emails that we all get bombarded with? The list that I am talking about is a group of people that not only have agreed to let you talk to them about your products or services, but really look forward to hearing from you. You can use this list to get customers to your restaurant, your store … and get them back more frequently.
By communicating with your list, you get them to know you,Tory Burch Shoes, like you, trust you,Toms Shoes Sale, create a relationship with you,UGG Boots Sale, and that is what drives sales.
Let's say you own a restaurant and on a slow Tuesday night, you were able to send an offer to your list whether through email or text message or Social Media, for that evening only, and 50 people out of 300 of your list showed up?
What difference would that make for you in 1 month,Celine Handbags? 1 Year,Toms Shoes? 5 Years?
Unfortunately, far too many businesses ignore the list, not considering that it could grow their businesses and exponentially increase their bottom line, no matter what business they are in. If you don't have a list or are not actively growing your list,Juicy Couture Handbags, you are leaving a whole lot of money on the table.
Building a list is much simpler that you might think and you can build your list everywhere! From your website, to your cash register, your social media sites, print ads, business cards, and the list goes on.
To effectively capture leads you need:
- A lead capture system, and many companies offer these services: Aweber, Mailchimp, to name a couple, and the pricing is very minimal. Some are even free!
- A great offer: Clearly state your offer, make it attention grabbing,Juicy Couture Outlet, collect at least name and email, and make sure to state your privacy
Once you start growing your list, it's extremely important to communicate with them. Stay tuned for more on communication with your list.相关的主题文章:

xamlix2046 發表於 2014-4-6 15:46

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