bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-1 12:21

原明 發表於 2014-3-1 11:23 static/image/common/back.gif

DLNA網速始終唔及直駁Docking,尤其讀取BD ISO file
DLNA主要聽歌和睇相,屋企所有連得上Network既設備(TV, AMP, PS4, BDP, Ipad, Iphone, Macbook, Android......)等用緊

bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-1 12:25

ac388 發表於 2014-3-1 11:27 static/image/common/back.gif
Is the fan noisy or the front button light too bright at night ???   U mean u cannot get this model...

The fan is quite quiet and the brightness of the button is fine to me.
No time to site visit at the shopping mall that why goes online shopping instead.
unsure HK will have this model but Ching can try to find out. {:6_146:}

samnet1 發表於 2014-3-1 15:45


請問 Oppo 105D 可同時認到 四個不同 Harddisk 嗎??

patrick12345 發表於 2014-3-1 17:23

bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-1 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
The fan is quite quiet and the brightness of the button is fine to me.
No time to site visit at th ...

ching 有無玩 NAS?
有冇試過插落 NAS 用唔用到呢?{:6_139:}

bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-1 18:07

samnet1 發表於 2014-3-1 15:45 static/image/common/back.gif

請問 Oppo 105D 可同時認到 四個不同 Harddisk 嗎??

Ching, 其他HDD未到手,試完後再包膠{:6_182:}

bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-1 18:08

patrick12345 發表於 2014-3-1 17:23 static/image/common/back.gif
ching 有無玩 NAS?
有冇試過插落 NAS 用唔用到呢?


hello 發表於 2014-3-2 15:39


bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-3-3 22:30

今日終於有SATA3 2T X 3到手,105D全部完美識別
下次再試埋3TB (不過已有內地用家試左OK)

mingevo1030 發表於 2017-6-19 00:00

bennyhk1973 發表於 2014-2-28 22:39
淘x search “2T + 電影“,有你想要的

有4K 未
頁: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: 105D專用HDD Docking: Century CRCH35U3IS (已加相+HDD X 3)

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