pbtour4il 發表於 2014-2-28 14:43


本帖最後由 pbtour4il 於 2014-3-6 15:22 編輯

美版很過癮的紙套版 BD
Street Date: 4 Mar, 2014

English: 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio / Spanish: 5.1 Dolby Digital / French: 5.1 DTS

English, French & Spanish / Subtitled

**1979 Theatrical Version
**2003 Director’s Cut with Ridley Scott Introduction
**Audio Commentary by Director Ridley Scott, Writer Dan O’Bannon, Executive Producer Ronald Shusett, Editor Terry Rawlings, Actors Sigourney Weaver, Tom Skerritt, Veronica Cartwright, Harry Dean Stanton and John Hurt
**Audio Commentary (for Theatrical Cut only) by Ridley Scott
**Final Theatrical Isolated Score by Jerry Goldsmith
**Composer’s Original Isolated Score by Jerry Goldsmith
**Deleted and Extended Scenes

English: 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio / English, French & Spanish: Mono

English, French & Spanish / Subtitled

**Forced, Trailers: HD BD Trailer

**Commentary by Director Robert Wise and Nicolas Meyer
**Commentary by Film & Music Historians John Morgan, Steven Smith, William Stromberg & Nick Redman

**Isolated Score Track 5.1 DTS HD MA

**The Making of " The Day The Earth Stood Still"
**Decoding "Klaatu, Barada, Nikto"; Science Fiction as Metaphor
**A Brief History of Flying Saucers
**Edmund North: The Man Who Made The Earth Stand Still
**The Astounding Harry Bates
**Farewell to the Master: An Audio Presentation of the Original Short Story
**Fox Movietonews from 1951 - Featuring the Films Premiere
**Restoration Comparison
**Original Theatrical Trailer
**Shooting Script
**Construction Blue Prints for the ship
**US & UK Pressbooks
**Posters, Lobby Cards, Spaceship Model and Gort
**Behind the Scenes

**Trailer Farm: HD BD Trailer
**BD-J Interactive Feature
**TBD D-Box
**BD-Live Portal

English DTS-HD Master Audio 4.0. Spanish Dolby Digital 1.0, French Dolby Digital 1.0

English SDH, Spanish

**Theatrical Feature Blu-ray

**Commentary with Actor David Hedison and Film Historian David Del Valle
**Biography: Vincent Price
**Fly Trap: Catching a Classic
**Fox Movietone News

English: 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio, Dolby Surround / Spanish: 5.1 Dolby Digital / French: 5.1 DTS

English & French / Subtitled
**Forced Trailer: BD Consumer Trailer

**Commentary by David Fincher
**Commentary by David Fincher, Brad Pitt, Edward Norton and Helena Bonham Carter
**Commentary by Chuck Palahniuk and Jim Uhls
**Commentary by Alex McDowell, Jeff Cronenweth, Michael Kaplan and Kevin Haug
**A Hit In The Ear: Ren Klyce and the sound design of Fight Club
**Welcome to Fight Club
**Angel Faces Beating
**The Crash
**Tyler's Goodbye
**Insomniac Mode: Jack's Index, Commentary Index, Topic Search
**Guys Choice Award
**Work: Production, Visual Effects, On Location
**7 Deleted Scenes and Alternate Scenes
**Trailer Farm: Theatrical Teaser, Theatrical Trailer, The 8 Rules of Fight Club
**12 TV Spots
**Music Video
**5 Internet Spots
**Promotional Gallery
**Edward Norton Interview
**Art Gallery

**BD-Live Ready Bootstrap

English: DTS 5.1 HD / Spanish & French: Dolby Digital 5.1

English, French & Spanish

**Commentary by Director Alex Proyas and Screenwriter Akiva Goldsman
**Commentary by Screenwriter Jeff Vintar
**Commentary by Composer Marco Beltrami with isolated cues from the score
**I Robot Trivia Track and or POP
**Extended and Deleted Scenes
**D-Box Technology

English: DTS 5.1 HD / Spanish & French: Dolby Surround

English, French & Spanish

Disc 1: Widescreen Feature
**Forced Trailers - Alien vs. Predator: Requiem, Hitman Teaser Trailer, Hitman Theatrical Trailer

**In the Crosshairs Featurette
**Digital Hits Featurette
**Instruments of Destruction Featurette
**Para-Ordnance P18.9 Featurette
**Blaser R93 LRS2 Featurette
**M16 Featurette
**FN F2000 Featurette
**Micro Uzi Featurette
**M240 Featurette
**Settling the Score Featurette

**Deleted Scenes - Ovie's Pool Scene, Hospital Scene, A Different Train Platform, Udre's Death

**Alternate Ending
**Gag Reel

Disc 2: Digital Copy
**Portable Digital Copy of Hitman

English: 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio / Spanish: 5.1 Dolby Digital / French: 5.1 Dolby Surround

English, French & Spanish

Disc 1:
**Widescreen Feature Film
**Extended Cut seamlessly branched

**Forced Trailers: Digital Copy Trailer, Wolverine, Street Fighter, 12 Rounds

**Audio Commentary with Director Pierre Morel, Cinematographer Michel Abramowicz and Michel Julienne *to extended version
**Audio Commentary with writer Robert Mark Kamen *to extended version

**Black OPS Field Manual
**Le Making Of
**Avant Premiere
**Inside Action: 6 Side by Side Comparisons

**Trailer Farm: Notorious, Possession

Disc 2: Digital Copy

English: DTS 5.1 HD & Dolby Surround 4.0 / Spanish & French: Stereo

English, French & Spanish

**Widescreen Theatrical Feature
**Commentary by Tim Burton & Danny Elfman
**Theatrical Trailers
**Fox on Blu-Ray - Eragon, The Fly, LXG, A Night at the Museum

English Dolby Digital 5.1 / Spanish & French: Dolby Surround

Spanish & French / Subtitled

*Comedy Montage
*Pauly Shore Trailer
*Inside Look (Elektra)
*Full Length Feature - Widescreen / Full Length Feature - Pan & Scan
*Feature Length commentary by Writer/Director Rawson Marshall Thurber and Actors Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn
*6 Easter Eggs
*7 Deleted/Extended Scenes with optional commentary by Writer/Director Rawson Marshall Thurber
*Alternate Ending w/ optional commentary by Writer/Director Rawson Marshall Thurber
*Featurette "Dodgeball Boot Camp: Training for Dodgeball"
*Featurette "The Anatomy of a Hit"
*Gag Reel
*Justin Long: A Study in Ham & Cheese
*Dodgeball: Go for the Gold
*Theatrical Trailers
*THE RINGER teaser trailer
*Arrested Development trailer
*DVD-ROM: Screenplay

English: 5.1 DTS HD Master Audio, SDH, 5.1 Dolby Surround / Spanish & French: Dolby Surround

English, French & Spanish / Subtitled

**Deleted Scenes:
*Peter Lies to Lumbergh
*Happy Hour at Chotchkie's
*Peter GoesOff on Nina
*Tom's Mixed Heritage Called Into Question
*Milton and Bob, Peter's Revelation
*Lumbergh's Dead
*Another Lumberg

*Out of the Office: An Office Space Retrospective with Mike Judge

**Theatrical Trailer

*Jump to Conclusions 2.0
*Grab the Stapler and Printer Beat-down
*Last Piece of Cake
*Post-It Pandemonium
*The Apathy of Man: History Track

s97562 發表於 2014-2-28 14:49


beginners 發表於 2014-2-28 14:53

wow ~ I like these... may need to cancel some steelbook order ...{:8_365:}

Kaka1888 發表於 2014-2-28 14:56


mrlittlejacky 發表於 2014-2-28 15:18

fight club又來了

關大爺 發表於 2014-2-28 15:23


mttmax 發表於 2014-2-28 17:32


Hon 發表於 2014-2-28 18:31


Hugo Fok 發表於 2014-2-28 20:08

FIGHT CLUB 同 ALIEN 幾有 FEEL 播{:6_210:}

barachi 發表於 2014-2-28 23:51

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