RoboCop: The Series 鐡甲威龍電視版Digital Remaster[德版](實物圖)
最近由於RoboCop 2014既上影,再加上出左Robocop第一集電影版既Remaster版,出左鐡盒又賣斷,成為熱門話題,原來唔單只係咁,原來電視版都出左Digital Remaster版,反而美版唔見影,一於買隻返黎睇,儲埋電視版!套戲都幾舊下(1994-1995),都預左唔會太靚,但係都OK喎,收貨啦,而且有德/英語音,但無任何字幕!
冇任何字幕{:6_121:} david167 發表於 2014-2-27 23:11 static/image/common/back.gif
至少隻BD冇…{:6_123:} 一隻Blu-ray儲二十幾集電視劇??? RoboCop嘅特色,封面海報互用~{:1_248:} 本帖最後由 victor_wong 於 2014-2-28 03:10 編輯
毒品出籠,又訂了 :) 唔知有沒有包括 2小時 pilot 版呢?
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) 同電影版有乜唔同{:6_136:} Wow, I haven't seen this for many years.I remember there was a hologram in the form of a young lady on this show.
This show also filmed entirely in Toronto, Canada.(New Robocop movie also filmed in Toronto.)