MPD 0.18.8 update for Volumio or RaspyFi
我試過在 Raspberry Pi 上 Volumio 及 RaspyFi 也能順利升級.
但 Beaglebone Black 就不成功.
"Why the hell we update the mpd?! The volumio-mpd runs very well."
Answer: There have been 8-9 major releases since the version used in Volumio (0.7.14 ??) - a number of things have been improved and fixed, see this changelog. You'll know linux a little bit better than before too. -
如有師兄能順利系Beaglebone Black 升級,請教一下小弟! {:6_237:}
本帖最後由 CAS2012 於 2014-2-19 00:26 編輯
Ching, update 個 Raspyfimpd 上0.18.8要花二十分鐘, reboot 後,play 歌冇聲, 但個UI,同control panel 是運行 著的,請問是否需要config mpd才有聲?比較三個playerFor Pi: Raspyfi, Volumio, rune, 都係喜歡 Raspyfi , 啲聲音最自然。 我一切正常,你有否restart 你個DAC? Ching, after turned off and then on the DAC, the Pi is working fine. Also confirm the mpd is upgraded to Thanks. Will try Volumio 1.2 to compare. 有冇Raspyfi升級教學?{:1_332:}