izthat 發表於 2014-2-17 21:39

MPD 0.18.8 update for Volumio or RaspyFi


我試過在 Raspberry Pi 上 Volumio 及 RaspyFi 也能順利升級.
但 Beaglebone Black 就不成功.

"Why the hell we update the mpd?! The volumio-mpd runs very well."
Answer: There have been 8-9 major releases since the version used in Volumio (0.7.14 ??) - a number of things have been improved and fixed, see this changelog. You'll know linux a little bit better than before too. - http://git.musicpd.org/cgit/master/mpd.git/plain/NEWS?h=release-0.18.8

如有師兄能順利系Beaglebone Black 升級,請教一下小弟! {:6_237:}

CAS2012 發表於 2014-2-19 00:23

本帖最後由 CAS2012 於 2014-2-19 00:26 編輯

Ching, update 個 Raspyfimpd 上0.18.8要花二十分鐘, reboot 後,play 歌冇聲, 但個UI,同control panel 是運行 著的,請問是否需要config mpd才有聲?比較三個playerFor Pi: Raspyfi, Volumio, rune, 都係喜歡 Raspyfi , 啲聲音最自然。

izthat 發表於 2014-2-19 10:23

我一切正常,你有否restart 你個DAC?

CAS2012 發表於 2014-2-19 11:00

Ching, after turned off and then on the DAC, the Pi is working fine. Also confirm the mpd is upgraded to Thanks. Will try Volumio 1.2 to compare.

eddytam 發表於 2014-2-19 15:52

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