muffy 發表於 2014-2-17 18:33

CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-2-17 18:21 static/image/common/back.gif
This hobby all friends no enemies. Your friends taught me many things about quality portable gear...

Haha I wonder which group of frds you met :P
But HUGO is a must buy for me, not sure for others

dezispop 發表於 2014-2-17 19:14

muffy 發表於 2014-2-17 12:15 static/image/common/back.gif

{:1_262:} {:1_262:} {:1_262:}

mu779uppy 發表於 2014-2-17 22:27

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

muffy 發表於 2014-2-18 09:34

mu779uppy 發表於 2014-2-17 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...

不過人地用手機直出HUGO再推HD800, 兩回事黎, 所以相信HUGO一定會有佢既市場

CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-2-18 09:54

muffy 發表於 2014-2-18 09:34 static/image/common/back.gif
不過人地用手機直出HUGO再推HD800, 兩回事黎, 所以相信HUGO一定會 ...

muffy ching, I cannot believe you still have the patience to respond to his constant trolling. {:1_249:}
I think no need to be so kind to internet trolls.
I am sure there will be desktop gear that sound better than Hugo but those are not portable.

muffy 發表於 2014-2-18 09:57

CosmicHolyGhost 發表於 2014-2-18 09:54 static/image/common/back.gif
muffy ching, I cannot believe you still have the patience to respond to his constant trolling. {:1 ...

It's ok, I'm kind to everyone :P

jaffeinism 發表於 2014-2-18 13:44

mu779uppy 發表於 2014-2-17 22:27 static/image/common/back.gif
(Post76 Android 手機版送出) ...

同意, 聽過台3萬既耳放, 的聲先叫做似樣的

tleonard 發表於 2014-2-18 13:59

Well, sorry to keep talking about HD800 but so many positive reviews of this 13K desktop amp are driving me nuts lately:

It's a bit cheaper to order that off eBay than buying Hong goods locally:

Those recessed jacks of Hugo were also annoying to me but hopefully Chord could modify that case with some improvements soon.

Besides, another portable DAC/amp from Cavalli Audio could be pretty fantastic sounding as well:

nightscrawler 發表於 2014-2-18 14:18

tleonard 發表於 2014-2-18 13:59 static/image/common/back.gif
Well, sorry to keep talking about HD800 but so many positive reviews of this 13K desktop amp are dri ...

It would be interesting to see Cavalli Audio extending into the portable segment.

guppyguppyguppy 發表於 2014-2-19 13:27
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查看完整版本: The Game Changer – Chord Hugo

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