chhanthony 發表於 2014-2-11 14:29

Emotiva XMC-1 the first HDMI2.0 AV processor?

Hey all,

It’s getting close to the date we set for the first XMC-1 shipments, and I wanted to give you an update on where we are. Now, some of you are probably expecting me to say, “Well, we didn’t specify the year, did we?”

But I have some great news for you. Although we will not be shipping in February as planned, we’ll be shipping shortly afterward—and the XMC-1 will be an even better product for this minor delay.

So how is the XMC-1 “even better,” you ask? Here’s how:

- Full HDMI 2.0 and 4K Capability. Yes. We’ve added HDMI 2.0 and 4k capability from the start. That’s the biggest part of the delay—simply waiting for the HDMI 2.0 interface chips to ship in quantity. But it’s worth it. If we’d hurried to hit our planned date exactly, we would have had to ship with HDMI 1.4, and update everything in the future. Now, your XMC-1 is ready for all of HDMI 2.0’s capabilities, and super-high-resolution content, from day 1.

- 2 HDMI Outputs, and Full 3D/4K OSD. You asked for 2 HDMI outputs, and we listened. Now, you’ll have 8 HDMI inputs and 2 HDMI outputs on the XMC-1, as well as the most sophisticated on-screen display available—fully integrated into 3D content, and 4K content as well, for unsurpassed convenience and ease of use.

- World’s Most Powerful Room Correction. I’ve mentioned Dirac before, but it’s worth mentioning here again. No product south of $20,000 offers Dirac room correction—except the XMC-1. This is full-scale, professional-level room correction, not a simplified, compromised consumer-grade system. We’re also including a custom measurement microphone with every unit at no charge (it’s not a toy-like microphone, this one is the real deal). Combined with precision equalization capability and a superb balanced audio path, the XMC-1 will take your system to the next level.

- Made in USA. You read that right. The XMC-1 is the first product that will be built in our Nashville, USA facility, in our brand new production center, for the greatest control over quality, consistency, and reliability. We’re very proud of this new facility, and we’re taking the time to get things absolutely right.

We know you’re as excited about the XMC-1 as I am, so we’ll be preparing additional “behind the scenes” and technical videos to take you through the design, engineering, and production of this masterpiece preamp-processor. Best of all, you can see how things are coming together, right here in Nashville.

For those of you on the pre-order list, we will be sending you formal notification via email tomorrow. We are also planning a podcast on January 30th.

So, what does this mean in terms of the ship date? I expect we’ll be shipping the first XMC-1s in March. However, since we’re ramping up the new production center, and making sure the first products are absolutely perfect, initial shipments will be a little slow. It may take another 6-8 weeks to work through the reservation list. I want to personally thank you for your patience—it will pay off in an even better product!

I look forward to keeping you updated. It won’t be long now before you’ll have what I believe is one of the most powerful, flexible, and unique AV processors on the market.


Big Dan

gikifk 發表於 2014-2-11 14:55


chhanthony 發表於 2014-2-11 15:04

worth to pay attention on it

- World’s Most Powerful Room Correction. I’ve mentioned Dirac before, but it’s worth mentioning here again. No product south of $20,000 offers Dirac room correction—except the XMC-1. This is full-scale, professional-level room correction, not a simplified, compromised consumer-grade system. We’re also including a custom measurement microphone with every unit at no charge (it’s not a toy-like microphone, this one is the real deal). Combined with precision equalization capability and a superb balanced audio path, the XMC-1 will take your system to the next level.

- Made in USA. You read that right. The XMC-1 is the first product that will be built in our Nashville, USA facility, in our brand new production center, for the greatest control over quality, consistency, and reliability. We’re very proud of this new facility, and we’re taking the time to get things absolutely right.

DBBoy 發表於 2014-2-12 09:55

就因为呢个dirac,所以我都留意呢部机,斎买呢个room correction software都要港元五六千。

DBBoy 發表於 2014-2-12 09:55

就因为呢个dirac,所以我都留意呢部机,斎买呢个room correction software都要港元五六千。

LiquidMR 發表於 2014-2-17 22:07

Anthem MRX710 is better.....

chhanthony 發表於 2014-2-17 22:52

LiquidMR 發表於 2014-2-17 22:07 static/image/common/back.gif
Anthem MRX710 is better..... ...

D2v is much more better{:1_345:}

mistaleung 發表於 2014-3-9 00:10

未聽過emotiva 不過好多技術 好似幾勁

mistaleung 發表於 2014-11-29 00:06

部機好似終於出貨 唔知有無ching分享下{:6_183:}
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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