星期六听发烧玩家係第三节(或者第二节),主持人讲2014会有新解码制式,请问各位师兄知唔知係乜呢? 關注{:6_177:} 應該是Auro 3D , DTS-UHD同Dolby Atmos ! H265?n 又要換机{:6_206:} 睇定啲先換機 {:6_211:}{:6_211:} 睇定啲先啦
Based on the experience with Atmos I had as a mixer, a conversation I had with Wilfried Van Baelen, and also on Auro 3D demo Chris Jacobson did during the AES in NY, I'd say it is impossible, if both companies remain inflexible on the subject of speaker positioning.
Auro 3D is based on two layers of surround speakers, forming two horizontal "layers" of sound, one of them dealing with the lateral position and the second, higher one, with "height" information. It is very much inspired by real-world human perception of sound position, as we (humans) don't really have the possibility to precisely locate sounds coming from above us. So, Auro 3D creators decided to focus exclusively on "valid zones", omitting the area above us.
It is really clear, even on the first listening of Auro 3D, that the detail in, e.g., Backgrounds or Music is astonishing, especially if some special techniques were used during the recording.
Dolby's Atmos system, on the other hand, introduces a different concept, with a different goal in mind - "objects".
The idea was, if I understood it correctly, to allow for a completely free positioning and movement of sounds - "objects" inside the room, addressing individual speakers. This "object layer" sits on the "bed", a classic 7.1 stem(s), with a possibility to add a stereo "ceiling" information.
It is exactly this vertical information that is different in these two systems, as it is being used for different purposes: Auro 3D uses it to create convincing, detailed ambiences, while Dolby Atmos uses it to move objects around the room.
Consequently, Auro's height layer speakers cannot be used for Atmos' moving objects, and Atmos' ceiling speakers cannot be used for Auro's height layers playback.
Needless to say, I would like to see a combination of two systems - to be able to mix BGs and Music in Auro and move objects in Atmos, but that's not going to happen. Auro is working on adding objects to their system, but those Atmos' ceiling speakers really make a difference when the objects begin to fly around the room.
The big problem is, obviously, on the commercial side: cinema owners have to decide what system will they install, and I don't expect any of them to install both in their rooms, as that would be a very expensive solution. to Coma
£10k plus £3k for Auro3D
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兩種新解碼既表達方式唔同, 喇叭安裝位置要求亦不同, 唔知下一代AV AMP點玩法呢 {:6_134:}