tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-8 17:55

Cubox as CAS

C Hing

I just get a cubox pro from second hand market and i have some questions

1. The upper USB port has problems and i see the document that the mubox should be installed through the upper USB port. If my USB has problem, how can i install

2. The cubox is preinstalled a Ubuntu linux and do i need to install mubox or simply install the MPD to Ubuntu for CAS player back.

3. Why we need to install mubox, does it mean when we install mubox, the mubox linux will overwrite the preinstall ubuntu linux and mubox sounds better than ubuntu linux

Sorry for my questions as i have been used CAS in Mac min connected to NAS storage and wants to try cubox because it costs only a hundred dollars from 2nd hand market.

mrsmart 發表於 2014-2-8 23:02

本帖最後由 mrsmart 於 2014-2-12 01:32 編輯

Hi, to answer your question, see below:

1. you can try the second USB or put the mubox into the SD card from other linux

2. U can also install the mdp into the Ubuntu.

3. People use voyage Linux is because it had a small foot print. And yes, you will overwrite the existing Ubuntu if u use the same sd card

Actually, I don't have Cubox but did help my friend to put the mubox into the SD card, then you can use that card to boot the mubox in Cubox. But you need to use other Linux/Debian to mount the SD card first.

you can refer to below link for the instruction:

for some instruction:

you can mount your sd card into the Linux/Debian that support ext4, and find the dev name e.g. /dev/sde

then run the below command using root:

[*]chmod 755
[*]./ /dev/sde

Hope can help

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-9 02:00

mrsmart 發表於 2014-2-8 23:02 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi, to answer your question, see below:

C Ching

It is very clear but still have two questions

1. do you mean that the original Ubuntu linux is stored and boot fromthe SD card and if i put the mubox in SD card from other linux and then put it back to boot the cubox, then i can have two linux from two SD card. If i want to boot the Ubuntu linux back, then i change the SD card

2. If i don't have another linux system, can i boot the cubox from the preinstalled Ubuntu linux first, and then use the card reader to mount the SD card from the card reader to install the mubox and then boot it by using this new mubox SD card

obee 發表於 2014-2-10 10:06

買多張sdcard用card reader做

mrsmart 發表於 2014-2-10 15:23

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-9 02:00 static/image/common/back.gif
C Ching

It is very clear but still have two questions


Yes, to change your linux system can just change the SD card.
And if you don't have other linux system, you can use card reader from the cubox linux. Just be ware about the dev name of the "new" SD card.

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-21 17:53

mrsmart 發表於 2014-2-8 23:02 static/image/common/back.gif
Hi, to answer your question, see below:

C hing

Today, i have times to install. But when i execut the command from the cubox teminal. May i repeat the process

1. Go to tht system tools
2. Go to the root terminal, login input the password for root
3. type "wget ..."

It returns the error "Name or service not known"

Do you know the reasons ?

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-21 17:59

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-21 17:53 static/image/common/back.gif
C hing

Today, i have times to install. But when i execut the command from the cubox teminal. May...

C hing

Just inform you that my cubox is not cubox-i but is the old version of cubox pro

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-21 21:44

本帖最後由 tcflex401 於 2014-2-21 22:00 編輯

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-21 17:59 static/image/common/back.gif
C hing

Just inform you that my cubox is not cubox-i but is the old version of cubox pro

C Ching

can i just download the file "voyage-mubox-0.9.1.tar.xz"from the folder the USBstick and then install it ti SD card in the card reader. If yes, can Ching share the method to me ?

obee 發表於 2014-2-22 12:02

cubox and cubox pro are last generation of cubox using Marvell Armada CPU.
The current mode is called cubox-i which uses Freescale MX-i CPU.

For cubox/cubox pro, the installation is easy, according to voyage for cubox page:
1. download an installer
2. copy the content to a blank usb drive with 1G or more size, formatted as FAT / FAT32
3. insert that usb drive to cubox, with the micro SD, the usb cable connecting to serial port and LAN cable with internet connection
4. power up, will see a menu
5. get the IP address, and select Voyage MPD from list and confirm formatting and installing onto the micro SD card
6. unplug everything leaving the LAN cable and microSD card, connect power again and it is done.

tcflex401 發表於 2014-2-22 20:31

kenneth_obee 發表於 2014-2-22 12:02 static/image/common/back.gif
cubox and cubox pro are last generation of cubox using Marvell Armada CPU.
The current mode is calle ...

C hing

By using your method, do u mean the USB disk should plug into the first slot but my upper USB slot does not function
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