iamsocheap 發表於 2014-2-23 01:36

janky 發表於 2014-2-22 14:34 static/image/common/back.gif



Fhfung 發表於 2014-2-24 18:25

本帖最後由 Fhfung 於 2014-2-24 18:26 編輯

剛入手,試聽320k mp3, 車,比我部cowon好唔係好多姐。有被騙感覺。
再試flac, 好番好多,ok la.
再試Beyond同Danny dsd file, 嘩,全部師兄弟返晒嚟。分析力,音牆同低音{:1_351:}

hke3g2006 發表於 2014-2-24 21:58

anyone compared 240 with Sony D100??{:1_338:}...both device can hard decode DSD{:1_335:}

physicx 發表於 2014-2-24 22:50

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-2-23 01:35 static/image/common/back.gif

CHING 訂5way係咪要過數!冇得visa 比?

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-2-25 00:43

physicx 發表於 2014-2-24 22:50 static/image/common/back.gif
CHING 訂5way係咪要過數!冇得visa 比?


Drunnktroop 發表於 2014-2-25 00:58

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-2-25 00:43 static/image/common/back.gif

"Impressions can be shipped directly, however, when shipping impressions from outside European Union countries, the value declared cannot be greater than 10USD!, so that there is no problems with shipments coming through Polish customs.

It is only possible to ship monitors directly within European Union countries. Non-EU customers are required to use a proxy, such as shipment forwarding companies (e.g.: https://www.forward2me.com/) or with help from a friend, etc. residing in another EU country.

The payment for the order is usually collected once the order is ready for shipping.
It is only possible to bank wire transfer the payment to the account provided and no other methods are accepted (no PayPal, etc.)."

Just got the Procedure Form a few days ago.

mansk2012 發表於 2014-2-25 11:34

其實我想知點解5WAY 咁得意 CREDIT CARD俾錢都唔得.. EU 有咁嚴嫁咩..

SCLEE 發表於 2014-2-25 12:45

physicx 發表於 2014-2-24 22:50
CHING 訂5way係咪要過數!冇得visa 比?

I use TT to SE. You need to seek helpbfrom your frd in EU to get the finished CM n onforward to you

dezispop 發表於 2014-2-25 13:12

hke3g2006 發表於 2014-2-24 21:58 static/image/common/back.gif
anyone compared 240 with Sony D100??...both device can hard decode DSD

兩部都試過, 齋計DSD的話, D100無AK240果種清晰度同幼滑度.

原本都諗住入D100, 不過愈試愈覺得粗聲, 畢竟佢只係一部recorder {:1_332:}

physicx 發表於 2014-2-27 00:50

iamsocheap 發表於 2014-2-25 00:43 static/image/common/back.gif

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